Sybreed cover. "Revive My Wounds"


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
been really into this band for almost a year now, and i had to do a cover because i love this song. its far from exact. i did different stuff with the electronics, and omitted a few variances in some riffs. probably cus i'm too lazy to program the drums, rofl. but yeah, check it out and tell me what ya think!
Sounds really good, different and more upfront but good. :kickass: Maybe make the kick less clicky and bring up the synths a bit?
Hey thanks leds7800 for the input. I altered the kik slightly. Demonlord78 that is my hellraiser seven string into my podx3 and into my onyx 400f and into my macbook! Dandellium yeah effects are not easy to replicate. So I just went for it trying to be reminicent of the original. I picked up the riffs on the album pretty quickly! I've heard it maybe thirty times so when I picke up my guitar I could for the most part play it lol. Pretty similar to what I write. But drops riffs are way more awesome!
Yeah, you made me want to learn that song yesterday, and it took me 4-5 times watching a video on youtube :lol:

It's really weird for me (I've never written anything like that) but really funny to learn and play. I love how he changes from fourths to eighths to triplets and then sixteenths :lol:
It's ace, I love it! I just wish it lasted like an hour instead of about 4 minutes, so I could listen to it for a longer time.

PS.: This is a compliment on your mix and playing btw. And on the original composition by Sybreed.