Sybreed-ish mix. Loads of synths. Epic Vox


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
Like the title says there are a lot of synths. So turn around now of you don't like chocolate in your peanut butter, lol. This is the second test mix for an EP release in the near future. Constructive criticism and all that goodness would be helpful! Guitars and bass are podx3 as usual. Eat babies!

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Sounds awesome to me!

I think that most of the drums are a bit overpowering, especially snare and toms. Maybe the kick can come a cunthair down, but it's not disturbing :)
The guitartone definitely fits the music, although i think the palmmutes sound a little too compressed, a bit washy sounding if that makes any sense (Might be POD's doing)

Vocals need a little more de-essing imho, those Ess'es are hurting my ears a bit. It also sounds they are not really in the center but going bit more to the right? It's not a lot, but that is what i was hearing atm

For the rest awesome song and awesome job! :)
I concur with the poster above me. You must do something about the Ess's.
The mix isn't as exciting and dynamic as I want it either. Not sure if it's due to the compression in general or because the synth are so loud.
A few things to try:
Lower the synths a few dB's, especially intro and when the guitars kicks in.
Narrow the synths stereo width, like 80-80 maybe? The oscillating synths feels like they are competing with rhythm guitars at the same spots and they're winning!

Overall I enjoyed the song, the guitar riffs are cool but gets unfortunately a bit overshadowed by everything else.
Great track and arrangement.
I am a huge fan of vocals sitting in the mix but these seem a bit too buried for my taste.
Listening on: Headphones, boombox
Thanks you guys for the feedback!

MartijnPaauwe: Thanks! The drums are pretty up front. The parallel bus is also adding to that and its fairly loud. I was really trying to push the drums and synths as much as I could and be as loud as possible without being tooo loud, just seeming loud. I kinda want them to be the focus and the synths, not so much the guitars all the time. Maybe it doesn't work, maybe it does.

The pod guitars are kinda washy. I used to love this thing but now I kinda want to try an AxeFX or similar because that washyness does not ever go away. I want some definition dammit.

The sss's are an issue, yeah. I can't really be aggressive as I like with the de-esser because it takes all the high end goodness out unless I automate the fuck out of the de-esser but that's a PITA. The mic the vocalist is using really really picks up his sss's and fff's and I'm still not quite sure how I'm going to go about correcting that 100%.

Master Buss: Thanks! The vox are a bit quiet. I'll bring them up a bit, but the vocalist insist on turning them down. Weird, I know.

The synths are automated to jump out front here and there. I kinda like when the pads and synths kinda take the lead. I dunno, just gives a more electronicy feel that I like.
Yeah the vocals really need some more de essing, the vocals are great but the sibilance really distracts from that and they are a bit buried. I don't really mind the synths being upfront. I like synths :) What did you use for the synths btw? Overall the production is great and I like the song. I'd buy the EP.
Sound like vocals have massive exciter on, because I hear that "air" going constantly (bit too much if it's not dynamic as voice).
Have you tried saturation on guitars? I love VOS Ferric. I kinda liked your guitar tone.