Sylosis - New album recording started - drums video


May 16, 2005
Reading, Berkshire
Hey guys

Thought some people on here would be interested to see some studio footage. Tracked all the drums last week for the album. We're recording with Scott Atkins again and he got some awesome sounds as usual.
We're off on tour with Dragonforce through November n having a break for Xmas so wont be doing the other instruments til early next year so thought we'd upload a vid

PS when we say we're not using triggers that's not to say we wont be blending any samples in when mixing - we're going for a much more organic sound this time so hopefully we wont be relying on them
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I'll be looking forward to see how this turns out dude!
Scott atkins did a great job on your last album which I really enjoyed.

Drum Video looks killer too :p any sneaks on the guitar stuff ;) ?
Cool video, thanks for posting this.
Absolutely cannot wait for the new album.
Awesome there is no triggers being used, just goes to show what a bunch of fucking badass, tight as fuck and down right super talented bunch you guys are. I watched your Dean Guitar shredder contest thing video a few days ago, didn't realize you had made a vid for it, you're a badass player Josh:kickass:
Jeez Josh, you guys are productive!

I've written about 2 songs since you released your last album.

haha dan its because you have a life and i sit around writing music all day like a nerd.

this album is totally going to destroy the last album - by miles. way heavier, more technical (just came out that way), way more mature, and a bit more of a tool/mastodon vibe to it its going to be really long haha