Symphony Of The Damned rules!


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I just got it yesterday! The re-issue of course. What an amazing disc! This is thrash to the bone! I love it! :)

What's everyone's opinion on it?

NP: Katatonia - Dance Of December Souls

I love it! It have been my favorit Lefay CD several times (it changes all the time). It was the second CD I heard from Lefay (first was 7th seal) and man, the drumming and guitarr riff in the begining of "The Whore Of Babylon" is so awesome! I knew I was going to love the CD right away! :rock:

But just keep buying there CDs. SOS, Maleficium and the Secret Doctrine is CDs you must have! You need them! :muahaha:
Haha...similarly The 7th Seal was my first Lefay and Symphony second. :) I already have Fata Morgana but that is Morgana Lefay so it doesn't count. I ordered SOS and Maleficium, still waiting for them to arrive. :)

NP: Katatonia - Dance Of December Souls

~Mezarkabul's the same band? Why doesn't the Morgana-albums cound? OK, there were any other bandmembers, but the most important things are:

- it's the same singer
- they're (mostly) the same songwriters
- it's the same style.

So, you cannot say it's another band. They were forced by their old recordcompany Black Mark to change the name Morgana Lefay in Lefay. It's just the blame of Black Mark.

Only the album "Morgana Lefay" is from another band. They're just three former members from Morgana Lefay (with one other musican) who were forced by Black Mark to record that album to get out of the contract. It's not that music which the real Morgana Lefay (or Lefay) play. Lefay didn't know that till it was already released. You can read this further below in this forum.

This is very confusing!! ;-)

Bang on, CHEERZ! :rock:
It would be cool as hell to have one of the original 537 albums.
But then you have to pay about 200 $ for it.
That's rather much, but it's worth ten times the money.
(As all (Morgana) Lefay recordings.)