New DoDs Art-work...

You think it looks cool? The whole reaper thing just seems kind of pathetic to me like the guys that rereleased it just sent a load of graphics designers who have never heard Katatonia before into a room and told them to come up with something "dark" without any consideration of an artistic viewpoint
I don't want to argue about cold-dark-graphical design , my dear katatonic friend...I love katatonia and its I just asked a question...ANY ONE HAVE A SHOT OF THAT COVER?!!!...the answer is Y/N...I'm agree with you about the cover...the designers seem too faraway from katatonia.
Sorry man didnt mean it that way.
Try and google it. Or just try amazon or another online shop cause they usually give a good amount of pictures to help describe the album. You might not be able to find like Official Artwork or whatever though yet cause its pretty new. You might be able to get a scanned file. I think I saw some artwork on a fansite called "the official dead site" or something while back too.