Symphony Productions

Hey guys,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am shooting for March 7th to begin the free consultation sessions for prospective students. the aim is to establish what each individual is hoping to achieve and for us to work out how best to go about that.

The times I have available are and these will be done on a first come, first served basis. We can conduct these either over Skype or AiM/MSN...whichever suits.

> Saturday March 7th
> 10am-11am
> 11:30am-12:30pm
> 2pm-3pm
> 3:30pm-4:30pm
> Sunday March 8th
> 2pm-3pm
> 3:30pm-4:30pm
> Monday March 9th
> 5:30pm-6:30pm
> 7:30pm-8:30pm
> Wednesday March 11th
> 5:30pm-6:30pm
> 7:30pm-8:30pm

all the best


Please direct any correspondence on this matter to
I've had an awful lot of webmail problems which has led to a lot of recent data been lost......apologies if I have missed any messages on this subject from anyone. Unfortunately all the January correspondence has also gone.

If you would be kind enough to email me again, it would be much appreciated
As I am now self sufficient in the transport department, I'm also able to offer lessons where I visit your homes (within the locality of course)

For those in the business interested in my services, a CV is available on request.
Hi Steve Stevie McSteverson, :)

Just a question; how hard is it to learn play the keyboard? A few years ago I tried my best on guitar, but now the thing is collecting dust in a closet.
Before I rush into things and spend money on an expensive keyboard, I'd like to make up my mind.
So, what are your experiences? When did you begin? When did you become a Keyboard King? When did you improve a suite of Mozart? Etc, etc.

Hi Steve Stevie McSteverson, :)

Just a question; how hard is it to learn play the keyboard? A few years ago I tried my best on guitar, but now the thing is collecting dust in a closet.
Before I rush into things and spend money on an expensive keyboard, I'd like to make up my mind.
So, what are your experiences? When did you begin? When did you become a Keyboard King? When did you improve a suite of Mozart? Etc, etc.


Hey dude!

Thanks for the questions...always happy to answer if I can :headbang:

Very difficult to say how hard something is to learn. It's dependant on so many factors, not least the teacher and the enthusiasm/natural abillity of the student i question.

I began piano and violin lessons when I was 7 years old and continued violin until I was 15 and piano until I was 18. I was fortunate that my parents were very determined that I should learn and luckily I had a flair for it. I wasn't overly interested to be honest for the first 5 or 6 years to be fair but may parents ensured that I did enough practice to pass all the early exams and ended up taking my Grade 8 piano exam at 14 and flying through it. From there they got me a new teacher who had been a concert pianist and we just worked on stuff like Mozart sonatas, Beethoven, Liszt...pretty much whatever seemed like a challenge.

It's like most things in get out of it what you put into it, so to speak.:kickass:

I didn't start with keyboards as such until the mid 1990's (so a long time after the piano lessons began back in 1978!). It's probably evident from my playing and writing that I'm still very rooted in the classical approach. Where guitarists often think in terms of modes, I always think in terms of relative major and minor keys etc.

It really depends as well what you want to achieve. I've taught people over the years who want to do the full classical/theory approach but also people who don't care about that and just want to be able to play their favourite they pop/metal or whatever. As a teacher it's important to be flexible and be able to adapt to each situation.

Hope that helps a little bit dude.......feel free to throw any other questions in my direction!
Thank you for answering good sir!
I will have to do some thinking about it, but I've always wanted to play music. A long time ago, we used to have a keyboard and I liked playing with it, even though I was just a kid.
I'm not sure why I bought a guitar in stead of a keyboard... :erk:

But yeah, playing classic songs would be really cool to achieve, but at the end of the day I just want to play the crazy keyboards solo's from bands I like. For example, al the genius melodies you've written for Power Quest.
And well, what better way to learn those melodies, than be taught by the guy who wrote them? :)

Ah well, thanks again for helping me out! Now I'm gonna watch some more episodes of Hannah Montana and Lizzie McGuire, how metal is that!? :headbang: