Symphony X don't tour much

I agree. They should tour more, AND shake up the setlist each time they go out.

I mean, enough playing more than half of the newest album at the start of a show and then throwing in some of the most popular songs from the other albums. They have an expansive back catalog filled to the brim with awesome material that never seems to see the light of day. USE IT!
While it is awesome to see them live (4 times now) I'd slightly rather see new material being written, with short tours. The more SX songs we have, the better.
How about we establish a real job as one that makes at least 30k...
There is no way they each make that touring...
They don't tour much? They tour too much! I prefer new studio material over crappy sounding crappy setlists. Understatement.
How about we establish a real job as one that makes at least 30k...
There is no way they each make that touring...

I'm curious where you get your numbers. I mean I know I've been to a SX show where it was pretty empty except right at the stage. And I know the venue takes its cut and ticketmaster too. But under 30k in a year for a tour? I dunno they go to a lot of places on one tour.
And get how much out of it? Ever been in a band dude?

Not a touring band no. I focused more on classical guitar. I'm asking an honest question here. How much do you expect they make from one show? I just figured a fairly well known metal band like Symphony X would make enough to live on from just touring and releasing CDs. If not, how hard must it be for even lesser known bands?
To be honest man, it is really hard. You get more from tours than CDs, but it's not easy. Not until you're huge in a mainstream way. Not a mainstream metal way, but all-the-way-radio-blow-up way. Then you get TV spots, more on clothing merch, more for advertising spots, when it's no longer you asking to do something but event coordinators asking you to do it. That's when you start making enough to make it full time. And just barely. For lesser known bands, it's impossible. I could never realistically live off my music for example. Not ever.

A ballpark figure for a "big" venue gig would net you in the 10s to 100s of thousand dollars, which you then piss away to repay the venue costs, the management, touring crew, gear costs, transportation, catering, security, etc etc etc until you get your cut, which you then have to divide among your members.
Believe me. I have talked to one of the members.

They make enough to just tour (I will not spill this info).
Not like Dream Theater but they make enough to live (thankfully).

I still don't understand why Symphony X isn't as popular as DT?

They are my two favorite bands. It just seems like all the members and fans of each band would come together?
Believe me. I have talked to one of the members.

They make enough to just tour (I will not spill this info).
Not like Dream Theater but they make enough to live (thankfully).

I still don't understand why Symphony X isn't as popular as DT?

They are my two favorite bands. It just seems like all the members and fans of each band would come together?

My theory is that it's because DT got more recognition in the last days of when MTV was cool. SX didn't start until 1994(by then MTV pretty much became the alternative-grunge channel and stopped discovering obscure metal bands); and they were filling obligations to Zero Corporation in Japan. I remember DT being on Headbanger's Ball to promote 'Awake'.

And that staying power got DT a lot of fans way before SX got even semi-known in the US.
No, DT was already popular in the early 90's. Images & Words debuted at no. 61 on billboard (Pull Me Under was an MTV hit) and Awake at no. 32. In comparison, SX's highest billboard position to date came with Iconoclast when it debuted at no. 76.

As for why DT is so popular compared to other bands, I think Prismatic got it about right. How Pull Me Under became a hit I'll never understand, though.
How Pull Me Under became a hit I'll never understand, though.

Tell me about it. Even stranger, the band weren't really even promoting it as their single at the time. They were trying to go with something more commercial sounding like Another Day, but somehow that ended up flopping and Pull Me Under started getting radio play like crazy.

Things that make you go "hmmm...."