Symphony X DVD???

Marcel Thome

New Metal Member
Jan 9, 2013
Hi guys,

I'm from São Paulo, Brazil. I'm a really huge SympnhoX fan. A question I make to myself everyday is why Symphony X still do not record a DVD? I really want to know that, It would be very good having this wonderful band playing a concert.


Russell Allen said something about wanting to do a DVD with a orchestra in an interview awhile back. I hope that it happens someday.

For now, all we have is the Gigantour footage.
I liked the fact that he said that too...back around when PL came out. Now, I just kind of roll my eyes. I'll take a random gig at this point. These dudes are in their prime so right now is the best time. Why keep waiting for some perfect circumstance that will probably never come?
What if because they want to do a special event for it, the DVD gets a lot of hype and then it doesn't live up to it?
I think if they keep waiting for that "perfect event" it might never be a DVD...almost like it sounds like an excuse for not making the effort... they could have filmed their ProgPower USA show for example, where they played both Odyssey and Divine Wings.... just give us that fucking DVD, eh? :p :bah:
Wow, interesting. So do you buy licenses to view content, or is it streaming per view? I've always been a fan of physical media because the finite nature of the media assigns value to each disc/tape/etc, and having it "offline" prevents any snatch-back mechanisms. People might laugh at that concept, but if you've been following what's been happening in the e-book world, it's not all that funny. You buy a book, they then delete it from your device because it is controversial, etc. Maybe you get a refund. Not at all where I want my music experience to go. Nor books, for that matter.

Again, interesting.
netflix in sweden (dunno if it differs from US?) is subscription-based. pay ~10 dollars per month and watch whatever you want. it's the same model as spotify, which is probably the most popular way to listen to music here. there's a freemium version of spotify though (plays ads every 3rd song or so -- I'm not sure because I don't use it :P).
there was a swedish company pioneering the whole internet movie streaming thing a few years back but I can't remember what they are called. don't know if they are around anymore. netflix will probably crush them in any case.

there's internet PPV but that's usually TV network-based, for sport events and such.

the tax-financed public broadcasting service will start to broadcast everything online starting next month (obviously retaining the TV broadcasting as well). this tax used to only cover TV owners, but now they are expanding it to anyone owning any sort of device that can stream their online services. 80%+ (according to polls I've seen) thinks this is some seriously gay-ass shit. i.e. I would have to pay for the public broadcasting stuff even if I didn't watch it, just because I own a computer.

but like I said I think that's where the technology is heading.
PC gaming is there already. next generation of gaming consoles will probably convert the entire gaming industry.
TV-series and movies will be there very soon... what a TV is and what a computer monitor is - it doesn't really matter anymore. it's HDMI in 1080p, and in the future 4K.