Could someone point me to a few tracks on V that stand out by Symphony X standards ? I know its good and all but I cant figure out why for quite a few it stands out as their best work.
OK so I put V back in last night and paid "the fuck attention". Yes V is a most awesome
total piece of work. What I think my problem was most of my music listening takes place in my shop as background music.
V is very symphonic, very "concept", very classical in composition value, very much what I used to call "head music"... NOT shop work music. To fully grasp The New Mythology Suite I believe you need to kick back and take the trip, doing so I was glad I didnt do it with head phones on, I may very well have OD'd.
I started taking notes but gave up as I became more overwhelmed with the brilliance of the entire adventure and knew notes were pointless.
What I would say is that it does have a more laid back nature but is awesomely deep in the process. Russel voice is more on his clean side and when he does get course it is still less than one might have been previously accustomed too.
One note I did make was that when I first got into these guys I found it hard to believe that it was one vocalist and even did a double check and search. The various vocal voicings that he uses so often sound like "somebody else" and that stands out big time on this recording. As was mentioned in the other topic his range and on more than one particular song is amazing. I also dont find any issues with the vocal "levels" in the mix, I believe its just the atmosphere of this entire piece that throws those such as myself from "getting it".
So while Divine Wings of Tragedy will undoubtedly remain my favorite for its intial impact, The New Mythology Suite finally sank home and blew my mind. I'm glad I finally got the house stereo system back up and crankin. So tonight Im going for the headphones... I might not be back....