I think a lot of the "fun" posts (and this is coming from me, who generally is just here to be an asshole

) that used to exist have been worn out. I know the new guys love to discuss things such as "Dream Setlist", "Possible dvd?" and "Romeo vs Petrucci", but unfortunately those topics have been beaten to death over the years for a good portion of us. That doesn't mean new folks can't discuss those topics (except vs. stuff haha!) but it does make things less interesting around here.
That said, this discussion was fun as hell... i'd love for other people to jump in. It doesn't have to be myself and SXJ going back n' forth.
Wander: I'd be delighted to elaborate further my thoughts on the subject, as it involves me sharing my opinion which happens to be one of my favorite things to do in life
I think that most people don't want to just dive into an unknown or unfamiliar genre with no direction. Even within specific sub-genres, bands sound completely different from one another and the quality varies (obviously). Sometimes you have to relate to something that's actually up your alley and conflicts with what you've made up in your mind.
I've got tons of examples of this, but i'll go for my recent Manowar example. Now, i enjoy some power / true metal, but Manowar always crossed the line of "fun" to "just fucking awful". I only heard a few songs here and there, but mostly just bitched about how cheesy they are. I did, however, enjoy the track "Warriors of the World United" because of how unbelievably bad yet fun it was. It was catchy as aids. Then i had to listen to the new Sons of Odin ep (which has two songs from the abysmal new album). Those two tracks were the best of the album, but still they clicked with me somehow and i got all pissed because i actually was legitimately enjoying some Manowar.
This next part is going to make me sound like a poser and is exactly what SXJ is saying shouldn't have to happen, but it is reality a lot of the time...
I was talking to a buddy about it (well, bitching that i actually liked some manowar) and he happens to enjoy a fair few tracks. Since i was basically saying it was "ok" for me to like manowar now, he started sending me some of their better tracks which made me realize that underneath all the cheese, there's some great songs and vocal lines. Sure, you have to appreciate how bad some of the lyrics are and you can't take it too seriously, but it doesn't take away from the fact that there's some killer stuff.
Haha, look at me... even now i have to justify enjoying manowar. The point is, there needs to be an entry point. Death vocals are something that's hard for people to overcome a lot of the time, and likewise if you are into death metal, sometimes it takes having to justify to yourself that it's "ok" to enjoy something. Now, those are two different concepts completely (auditory asthetic versus personal bias) but at the same time they have a lot in common: both can be overcome by finding a common thread with something you already love and latching onto that.