First of all, that whole post is very nice, but it doesn't sound like you're really in touch with reality or else you're far too idealistic if you think people are going to just try something out in a genre that they don't like. I've heard bands that i dislike, then someone who
is into them points out some things that would appeal to me, may it be a specific song that is a bit outside of their norm that goes up my alley or just different aspects of the music. From there, i gain intrest and get into said band. Sometimes that push is enough to get someone who has already made up their mind about something to give it the time of day. I can appreciate where you're coming from, but where you are coming from is not reality.
Also, with your reverse theory about the death metal band in a prog mag, i think it makes perfect sense and it is in no way an insult to the dm community. Let's be honest, most death metal IS about gore and violence and rather barbaric things. That's the nature of the genre (to call the musicians and fans that would be insulting, but the music is
supposed to be like that) and that is off-putting to some people, but sometimes it does take you saying "it's not all like that" to turn someone on to specific bands. In fact, i can count a number of my friends who had that exact thing happen because of me finding that bridge to extreme metal that they would enjoy. Example: One of my buddies is into classic rock and less metal, but i found a few metal bands he'd like. So he got into symphony x, iced earth, megadeth, etc. Then i showed him opeth even though he was vehemently opposed to growling vocals, but was quite taken by "When", pretty much all of Still Life and Blackwater Park, etc. From there he grew to appreciate those vocals and bands that had more elements like that such as Amon Amarth, Death, etc.
Yeah, from an advertising standpoint this is the best, but i don't see where else you are coming from other than (pardon me) bullshit ideals. What you are saying is the very essence of elitist snobbery.
Advertising wise this is the best strategyto get that reader base interested, yet, probably even better would be to not advertise to an audience that is not part of your target audience. If you do go about this though, from a philisophical standpoint I feel it is insulting to the community of extreme metal to do this.
See what i mean? You are just changing "elitist" and hiding it behind the veil of "philisophical standpoint".