Symphony X Jigsaw Puzzles!

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
We're all intellectuals here, right? ;) Then we should all like a little challenge once in a while to keep those mental gears working. I've devised two jigsaw puzzles of Symphony X photos. The first one is pretty easy (96 pieces), it only took me 13 minutes to do, but the second one is only for those with a lot of patience and/or time on their hands. 360 pieces took me almost 2 hours lol. So if you're interested go to my website (the link is in my sig) and have fun! Just don't fry your brains too much or use up my bandwith, k? hehe I'm sure I'll use my precious free time to make more puzzles...
So yeah I was imformed of a problem with my puzzles. My puzzle making program decided to be an asshole and only allow me to post 96 piece puzzles, so I'm afraid I can't post the mega puzzle that I was able to do. So both puzzles are the same number of pieces just different sizes....whatever...stupid crap :Smug:
i went to the site that you dl the puzzle creator from, and have been making heaps of puzzles.. i only have the 60minute trial. so i dont waste it playing with their puzzles, i only use it to make my own and save them to my comp..but it comes in different shapes sizes and number of pieces. i like it.