Symphony X Marks The Spot!

Prismatic Sphere

We Carouse
Jul 18, 2002
In A Bowl Of Chili
Where else can you share your love of Symphony X and have it responded to in kind? Yup, we haven't had a sheer Symphony X appreciation thread here in awhile or if we have, it ain't enough.

I must say that more than anyone else I listen too, I never tire or lose any of the interest or fervor for those guys out of Jersey. I still regard them as my most precious jewel in my musical collection. I always have at least two of their CDs on me when I'm on the way to/from work. And I've had Damnation Game and Divine Wings in my stereo for like three months now.

I eagerly await their fan club CD and I'm so aching for their 7th opus.

Cheers to you Romeo and Co.!:kickass:
You nailed it, PS.

My son leaves for his 1st year of college in August and I hope out of 850 Freshmen, he will find a few SymX and Prog metal fans there.
If not, I'm sure he will tune some in to them.
A few days ago on a gaming forum, there was an OT topic about best guitarists of all time. I posted as my number 1: Michael Romeo - Symphony X. After I finished my list I left the post with "You just have to hear Romeo shred to believe it." I got a PM the next day from the topic creator "Nice choice of guitarists, I'll have to listen to more symphony x,thanks...."

:) I gave him links to: and to get a taste of the audio.

I was just reminiscing the other day about how awesome these guys are, and how nice they were to me. You just don't see guys as cool as them around, let alone in a band. I think it's good to let them know once in a while how much we appreciate not only their incredible talents and musicianship, but their kindness to their fans.

I love you guys!!
The Metal Chick said:
I was just reminiscing the other day about how awesome these guys are, and how nice they were to me. You just don't see guys as cool as them around, let alone in a band. I think it's good to let them know once in a while how much we appreciate not only their incredible talents and musicianship, but their kindness to their fans.

I love you guys!!
I have an idea......but it's all up to Jax if she's into helping us out.
I don't think anyone knows if / when any of the guys in the band read these posts, about we have a "Thanks, Symphony X" thread up for a couple of weeks so everyone can post something specifically for the guys and maybe Jax could consolidate them and get them all to the band.
Jax, everybody, what do you think? (Just like your comments, Metal Chick....I'm sure they would be thrilled to read something like that) ;)
Kronikle66 said:
A few days ago on a gaming forum, there was an OT topic about best guitarists of all time. I posted as my number 1: Michael Romeo - Symphony X. After I finished my list I left the post with "You just have to hear Romeo shred to believe it." I got a PM the next day from the topic creator "Nice choice of guitarists, I'll have to listen to more symphony x,thanks...."

:) I gave him links to: and to get a taste of the audio.

Man, you just saved the life of the topic creator!

:worship: Symphony X:worship:

Thank you SX, for your awesome music!
Pharoah said:
I have an idea......but it's all up to Jax if she's into helping us out.
I don't think anyone knows if / when any of the guys in the band read these posts, about we have a "Thanks, Symphony X" thread up for a couple of weeks so everyone can post something specifically for the guys and maybe Jax could consolidate them and get them all to the band.
Jax, everybody, what do you think? (Just like your comments, Metal Chick....I'm sure they would be thrilled to read something like that) ;)

That's a good idea. Man can you imagine how long that thread would be! haha the guys would probably get sick of hearing about how awesome they are and how much we all love them and their music. But they do deserve to hear it.
I could never put into words how much Symphony X means to me. I get so lost in their music and just forget about what else is going on in my life. I'll never forget the first time I saw them at my first SX concert. I was in such disbelief that I couldn't move, but of course it didn't take long untill I started rocking out to their music. The Metal Chick is right, they truely do love their fans and are such nice guys, which makes me like them even more. One moment that will forever stand out in my mind was at their concert Russell Allen looked down and smiled at me, and went over to me and my friends in the front row, got down and sang to us then mouthed "i love you guys" as he was walking away. It's those little things that makes them so awesome. Keep doing what you're doing boys, the fans will always be here to support you.
Symphony X are my favourite band ever. There's not one track from any of their albums (Damnation Game onwards ;)) that I dislike. Every little bit of every composition they have made is utterly superb. I wish the band the very best for the next ten years.
Pharoah said:
I have an idea......but it's all up to Jax if she's into helping us out.
I don't think anyone knows if / when any of the guys in the band read these posts, about we have a "Thanks, Symphony X" thread up for a couple of weeks so everyone can post something specifically for the guys and maybe Jax could consolidate them and get them all to the band.
Jax, everybody, what do you think? (Just like your comments, Metal Chick....I'm sure they would be thrilled to read something like that) ;)
Your idea sounds great to me! They need to be reminded I think just how important and special they and their music are to us. And hopefully this thread will convey that we ain't just tootin' lip service! I simply can't describe how thankful I am to have a band like this exist.

As for your son, yeah he'll find a few proggies and possible SX'ers deep within the folds of his campus if he digs deep enough. I think just having one of their shirts on would be sufficient enough. If not, he'll get the inevitable squints and stares at the two masks and that not-so-simple-to-answer question: Who's that?:err:
Hell yeah!

I must say that Symphony X has changed my life. I've been going through a very rough time right now, and no band I listen to is capable of lifting my spirits...except for Symphony X! Even if it's one of their darker songs, like King of Terrors or Church of the Machine - it always elevates my mood. Now, stick Communion and the Oracle in the player, and damn - I'm in paradise!

I've also been fortunate enough to meet the entire band on more than one occasion, and they're the coolest, most down-to-earth band I've ever met! They don't even act like band members - they're more like your friends. I remember when I first saw them live a few years back, and I thought they all looked like they were angry, pissed off guys (except for Jason - I don't think it's possible for him to look pissed off.) But they were all so cool! Their level of professionalism was through the roof!

Symphony X is so underrated it's not even funny. Everywhere I go, I spread the good news of their existence. In almost any conversation I have with anyone, Symphony X is bound to come up at least once.

But anyway, I want to thank Michael, Russ, Mike, P, and Jason for all the beautiful music and lyrics they've created. I know I speak for everyone on the board when I say that. Keep rockin', guys!
I also want to thank the entire band for their music and kindness. You know I always listen to your music when I'm having a really bad time because the music cheers me up. And you make me feel great when you play live with such a fantastic performance and happiness.
Love you guys forever! :D Thanks for everything
Pharoah said:
I have an idea......but it's all up to Jax if she's into helping us out.
I don't think anyone knows if / when any of the guys in the band read these posts, about we have a "Thanks, Symphony X" thread up for a couple of weeks so everyone can post something specifically for the guys and maybe Jax could consolidate them and get them all to the band.
Jax, everybody, what do you think? (Just like your comments, Metal Chick....I'm sure they would be thrilled to read something like that) ;)
Actually, I have plans to do something along these lines (get outta my brain, Stu! :p ). This year is the band's 10th anniversary, & they have some cool stuff planned for the fans..I figured in return, I'd give the fans a chance to express their thanks to the band, & then maybe print it all up & give it to them in a nice hard copy form as a way to thank them for everything they've given to us in the past decade. So stay tuned for more on that.. :)
Thanks for 'giving' me a song which never gets boring and to which I keep coming back for more: The Odyssey! Not that the rest of their work is not of the topmost quality, you guys just rule! Brilliant on-stage performers by the way.
Lady of the Oracle said:
Whoa..Stu is Dionne Warwick?!? :OMG:
"Do you know the way to San Jose?" :D
Lady of the Oracle said:
Actually, I have plans to do something along these lines (get outta my brain, Stu! :p ). This year is the band's 10th anniversary, & they have some cool stuff planned for the fans..I figured in return, I'd give the fans a chance to express their thanks to the band, & then maybe print it all up & give it to them in a nice hard copy form as a way to thank them for everything they've given to us in the past decade. So stay tuned for more on that.. :)

oh man, that would be amazing. it would mean so much to get a chance to thank the band for everything their music has done for me and meant to me. you really nailed it morphinechild. everything you said. i feel the exact same way! i don't know what i would do without their music. it has really helped me through some rough times. its a shame more people don't appreciate their music, but i also think that is what makes the band more special, and the fans more loyal. ROCK ON SYMPHONY X!!!!!