Symphony X last night!


May 6, 2004
After several years I finally got to see Symphony X!!!
They F*cking killed!!
Great sound in the club. Allen was supurb. Romeo and the rest of the band were tight as hell. It was a great show. One minor complaint. They didn't play long enough IMO.
They didn't let cameras in. Even cell phones with cameras were barred so no pictures to share. Sorry.
After several years I finally got to see Symphony X!!!
They F*cking killed!! Great sound in the club. Allen was supurb. Romeo and the rest of the band were tight as hell. It was a great show. One minor complaint. They didn't play long enough IMO.

Thats damn good to hear! Symphony X has been one of my favorites for a long time now. I hope to see them soon again, but not as support act of Dream Theater.

They didn't let cameras in. Even cell phones with cameras were barred so no pictures to share. Sorry.

Damn! Thats a silly rule.
While I am a little hot and cold on their releases, they are one of the most professional bands I have ever seen/heard. Russell Allen sounded the same as he did on record both times I have sen them. High quality live band.

After several years I finally got to see Symphony X!!!
They F*cking killed!!
Great sound in the club. Allen was supurb. Romeo and the rest of the band were tight as hell. It was a great show. One minor complaint. They didn't play long enough IMO.
They didn't let cameras in. Even cell phones with cameras were barred so no pictures to share. Sorry.

I saw them last week and they ruled too. Russell Allen is a really powerful live vocalist. All the band was really tight. The only downpoint was that the follow spot was *behind* Michael Romeo when he was doing his solos, so I never saw him perform them....Very weird idea to have the spot from behind, and not in fornt of the musician...

They played around 1H35 here, including the 25-min Encore The Odyssey. I also would have liked a couple more songs...
Wow.. you're so lucky. I wish I could afford to go see them. I'm gonna be broke by October, and I can't spend money on anything except what it's saved up for.

Like they're going to get anywhere near Montana. I see they are playing in Tempe on August 1st. Too bad I'm 1,400 miles away during the summer months. I missed Therion last year because of the same situation. They played in Phoenix the week before I got back. Grrr....
I have two passes for their show in Portland on the 28th, unfortunately I won't be able to make it... I'd really be
motivated if they had two killer opening bands...
Sanctity is one of the bands, but they are the first band...
I have a test on Saturday at 9:00 AM then a series of family
things to do later in the afternoon bummer...
I've posted this elsewhere regarding the Mokena, IL show:

Just a few words on my first trip to The Pearl Room in Mokena, IL for the Sy-X show.

Venue: (The Pearl Room)Good enough for what it is, LOUD sound system, was about ¾ full.

Sacred Dawn – Wasn’t really into them at all

Echoes of Eternity – Hot babe front woman whose vocals seemed to be somewhat out of place, hard to describe, maybe too atmospheric in spots? Best song was the last one they played. Vox sounded GOOD.

Sanctity – Fun Thrashy band.

Sy – X: Same set list they have been playing. Russell Allen has evolved even further into the God of front men everywhere. Great performance by EVERYONE. Ran into a few fellow Sy-X’ers, in some cases, quite literally! (Hi Amanda!) Good to see some familiar faces there!

Moshing: I kind of expected a pit for Sanctity, and we got it. What was somewhat irritating was the moshing during Sy-X. Yeah, I’m fucking old, and even back when I was younger, I always found moshing at these kinds of events pretty pointless & inconsiderate. I had one or two people take two cheap shots on me. I was not in the pit. I was about 7 heads from the front of the stage. We pretty much became the wall for one side of the pit. Do I have to turn my back on the band I paid good money to see to watch out for a few assholes? Maybe I should have! While I don’t particularly like being jostled & shoved around, I’ll tolerate it to a degree. Once people go for doing physical harm to people NOT involved in the pit, it becomes VERY uncool. Do you REALLY need to mosh to a somewhat mellow tune like “The Odyssey”? Are you REALLY that much of a pussy that you have to cheap shot someone when their back is turned to you? Cheap shot #1 – just above the left kidney. Back turned, no idea it was coming. I’m a tough old dog, and all this did was piss me off, and got me into some verbal ugliness with a couple of the moshing assholes. Cheap shot #2 – BULLSEYE! Took a forearm/shoulder/knee to my right kidney. Fell backwards to the floor. Thanks to a couple random dudes and a friend from the Sy-X & Prog Power forums for helping me get to my feet quickly. More ugly exchanges. The rest of Sy-X’s “The Odyssey” went on without incident. Stopped at a highway oasis. Took a painful piss, got some food, dropped a friend off at his home, and drove back to my bomb shelter in Wisconsin. Took another piss. Yay! Blood in my urine! If it continues in the morning, I’m off to the ER. Fuckers!

I now will have a zero tolerance for moshers. Next time something like this happens, BAD things are going to happen. I guarantee it. Mark my words! I’m now on a mission!

Icing on the cake – Friend of mine, who is relatively new to Symphony X enjoyed the show and is 100% into the band, especially after witnessing it live. Wanted to do the right thing, and support this new band he likes, and purchase a cd on his way out. AS we’re cruising home, he opens the factory sealed digipack, and finds not only no booklet, but no cd!!!!!!!! He’s pissed, and I will use what little pull I have to get this resolved for him. He paid $15 for an EMPTY digipack. WTF!

I’m taking a couple Viccodin’s and calling it a night…

EDIT: As mentioned, no pics, which I found ironic...Also, I DID end up in the ER Monday morning..
Jeez J-Dubya I hope you are alright now. Yea there's an asshole everywhere and you just ran into him. Too bad really. :-(

Keep us informed will ya. Take care buddy.
That sucks J-Dubya. Sorry to hear about that. I was looking around for you but I didn't go up toward the stage so guess thats why I missed you. I was standing towards the back next to the sound board.
Moshing to SX? Why don't these fucks just do us all a favor and hand their money to the band then do that shit outside. I like to WATCH AND LISTEN to the band I paid money to SEE. Not have to keep an eye out for an elbow or fist. Some bands make music to do that stuff,like Sanctity, but SX is not in that catagory.
Hope you're doing well J.
J-Dubya hope you feeling better, That sucks big time!

I will be seeing them Sunday & I hope the crowd will be cool & just enjoy a great band live. I have waited a long time to see them & would be pissed off if the crowd was more into slaming into each other then watching the band.

Kamalot was like that to a degree, There was some pit action for Epica but not Kamelot. I think Khan had a lot to do with that IMO.
Jeez J-Dubya I hope you are alright now. Yea there's an asshole everywhere and you just ran into him. Too bad really. :-(

Keep us informed will ya. Take care buddy.

That sucks J-Dubya. Sorry to hear about that. I was looking around for you but I didn't go up toward the stage so guess thats why I missed you. I was standing towards the back next to the sound board.
Moshing to SX? Why don't these fucks just do us all a favor and hand their money to the band then do that shit outside. I like to WATCH AND LISTEN to the band I paid money to SEE. Not have to keep an eye out for an elbow or fist. Some bands make music to do that stuff,like Sanctity, but SX is not in that catagory.
Hope you're doing well J.

J-Dubya hope you feeling better, That sucks big time!

I will be seeing them Sunday & I hope the crowd will be cool & just enjoy a great band live. I have waited a long time to see them & would be pissed off if the crowd was more into slaming into each other then watching the band.

Kamalot was like that to a degree, There was some pit action for Epica but not Kamelot. I think Khan had a lot to do with that IMO.

Thanks y'all! I did end up going to the ER on Monday morning as I was still "Raining Blood". Got flushed, x-rayed and told that it was a moderate bruise, and that if it didn't clear up, then I would have to get an MRI, and they'd start looking for a laceration. All has been well since Monday, I'm sore, but should be back to 100% in a week or so. It was a heavy duty CHEAP, GUTLESS shot, worth fighting over, had I found out WHO did it.
I expected it for Sanctity, but not Sy-X, especially during The Odyssey. WTF! I have a sister who's 11 years older than me, and she pretty much told me to "grow up" and stop going to these shows. I'd rather die, than give in to a couple assholes, and ditch music that I have been into for 30+ years. Not gonna happen!

@ Gonzo - I was about 8 heads from the front middle part of the stage. The moshers made it a mess. See you in Atlanta?
San Fran. was cool, Great show & I thought the sound was excellent! Sold out too! good for Sy-X.

Seeing them play "the Odyssey" live was amazing.

I wish they would have played longer, But that is my only complaint.