Symphony X live @BBKings Footage

btw this is a video of me playing one of my new songs. My influences are Nails on the Chalkboard.

please tell me if you liked it.
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†Russel Allen†®;6231512 said:
Is it me or Mr. Allen is kinda redheaded on this? And he has short hair as well... fancy clothing... sounds more dancing than metal... :D

That was done to win over the people who don't think Sy-X dresses up enough! :heh:
That was done to win over the people who don't think Sy-X dresses up enough! :heh:
Perfectly timed, not too old of a discussion, old enough that you wouldn't see it coming, good context, nice syntax...

Yep. This one's made of win.
Yup, i believe j-dub gets:

Perfectly timed, not too old of a discussion, old enough that you wouldn't see it coming, good context, nice syntax...

Yep. This one's made of win.

Scary thing is, that WHOLE thread popped into my head the instant I first saw the vid. I knew I was going to have to say SOMETHING.... There is a good 5-10 minutes of material there!

^this ones made of fail :lol:

Bah! Call me when you can count your pubes on more than one hand....:Spin:

Yup, i believe j-dub gets:

I think this is my second one! Collect the set!

The winner of this thread is obvious. Good work, J-Dub. You'll make Sergeant for this.

I'll get knocked down to private again. It's my "comfort" zone!

Thanks! :lol: