The Odyssey Cover!

A noble effort that butt landed right from the start. Shitty covers or not, I like to listen how people interpret these great songs.
My band has tried to cover only one symph X song. It was Accolade II... But it never got further from rehearsals.
make it ace to you guys is play it exactly like symphony x...and they aren't symphony x, it was a well done cover, it is in no way bad! compared to symphony x it doesn't sound the same big woop, perhaps that was the purpose? I don't feel they failed at anything, they did very well!

i agree they are not symphony x and they don't have to play it the exact same... but that does not change the fact that I think fo the most part it was pretty much aweful to listen too, i doubt i would think it were any good at all even if i had never heard the original before. its out of tune, and it just plain didn't work for me.
i don't see why everyone who loves this cover is recommending to all the ones who hate it to "try it themselves" and "let's see you do it better." i wouldn't try it in front of an audience if i knew i couldn't do it right.

I just had this argument in a thread on another board about dragon force. Some guy said they were gods among men or something like that. I responded by saying that they were sloppy and very repetitive to my ears. he says "i'd like to see you play those songs"

i said... "I wouldn't."

did siskel and ebert ever direct a box office academy award winning film?

you don't need to be able to produce to have a valid opinion.
But the fact of the matter is that they didn't do a good job. If you're gonna applaud someone every time they do something hard, then you'll be applauding alot in your life. No matter what, they didn't pull it off. If they did pull it off, then I'd be applauding and wondering why I can't do that. But they didn't, so I won't.
Just 'cause we can't do it either doesn't mean that we automatically have to fap to it.
Okay, I have to admit that the quality of the recording is really bad and more than once I wanted to really kick the audience for being so annoying AND it seems that the instruments are somewhat off, too.

Still, even despite all those flaws (which make the video a not very enjoyable experience as a whole IMHO), I can see the potential and would really like to see a more professional live recording from Nota Profana (the band behind this).

When looking for more stuff from the same artists, I stumbled over their myspace page:
they even have a song (self-composed it seems) there you can listen to, which I think is quite cool (the mix could be better, but the potential is obviously there and the notes are all in place this time ;) )

So even though the videos are really bad, there are bootleg videos of Symphony X themselves, too that are not sounding too good.... (even though it's never THAT bad :) )
That's really cliche. And how exactly did they do a good job musically if it sounded pretty crap?
You should check out this guy, although the links are dead by now:

Symphony X by choir Pt.2
Symphony X by choir

I said alright job... not that they aced it and shat over MJR... I agree it sounded pretty crap, but applaud them for having a good crack at it.

[x] Balls
[x] Stupdity.

... and yes, that is a cliche, but it's still pretty true. Fuck, most of the people I've talked to (different topic though) who mock technical music, can barely comprehend or play anything similar to it.

Like a joke I heard...
Q. What do you call a guitarist who can only play three chords?
A. A guitar/music critic.
