The 2012 Enigma

It didn't even predict that much. All the new-age bullshit predicts things like pole shifts (which are long, gradual processes), galactic alignments (the one we had a chance at observing passed in the 90s), and other pseudoscientific nonsense, and while there are a lot of people who jack off to making bizarre nonsense on paper (no better than those who follow Nostradamus' 'predictions') there really isn't a whole lot of backing to the claims of them predicting much of anything major.

Also, the Mayan long-count calendar has entries after 2012. No predictions for 2012 are made, and the events after 2012 aren't typically "World ended...", "World still ended...", "World fantastically staying ended..." or anything like that.

Bunch of bullshit.

I'm using this in every compression setting from now on ...

Is the harmonic / sacred cut a low cut or high cut? Wanna know where to set my EQ also ...

I WILL bring about the end of the world as we know it and create world peace Wyld Stallions style when I write and record the next Shadowdance cd ...

these new plug-in setting are only 2 of my tools

by the way, anyone else think this dude was the only one dancing around in a fairy circle?


I only wrote down what the guy said. :lol: