symphony x re-issues


New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2005
hi yall

I discovered symphony x maybe a month ago, they really rule! I want to get "the divine wings of tragedy" from the webstore but I'm wondering what is so special with the re-issue except that it's 4 buck more expansive and is a digipak?

I also wondered what the lyrics of "the damnation game" were about. A few days ago at my job (I work a subway...) a woman came and had a book called "the damnation game" by Clive Barker, does the symphony X song have anything to do with this book?

Anyone else coming to gigantour in montreal?
Yep, I'll be at the good old Bell Centre in September, Just look for the big guy! Chances are one of them will be me lol :P

As for the Damnation Game! I don't think it has anything to do with this book in general! Their has been many time the word 'Damnation' has been used, my most memorable would be the level in Halo: Combat Evolved called 'Damnation' The Dictionary's definition, and the one that seems most suitable based on Symphony X's style is the following:

n 1: the act of damning 2: the state of being condemned to eternal punishment in Hell [syn: eternal damnation]


in Rom. 13:2, means "condemnation," which comes on those who withstand God's
ordinance of magistracy. This sentence of condemnation comes not from the
magistrate, but from God, whose authority is thus resisted. In 1 Cor. 11:29
(R.V., "judgment") this word means condemnation, in the sense of exposure to
severe temporal judgements from God, as the following verse explains. In Rom.
14:23 the word "damned" means "condemned" by one's own conscience, as well as
by the Word of God. The apostle shows here that many things which are lawful
are not expedient; and that in using our Christian liberty the question should
not simply be, Is this course I follow lawful? but also, Can I follow it
without doing injury to the spiritual interests of a brother in Christ? He that
"doubteth", i.e., is not clear in his conscience as to "meats", will violate his
conscience "if he eat," and in eating is condemned; and thus one ought not so to
use his liberty as to lead one who is "weak" to bring upon himself this
As for the lyrics of the song, hear they are-everything might not be perfect but meh!

Forever cursed by this game, he who plays with sin
Incantations summoned up our creations

We're players cast in this tale, believe it
stranger than fiction
This justice thunders our condemnation

Falling into innocence by a shadow's kiss
He speaks what mortals dare to say, will he betray?

If you dare play the game - your descent preordained
from their fiery thrones screaming,
cursing your name
On the terror it breeds - breathing fire and gree
watch him jest as you bleed...
Screaming enter the Damnation Game

We can not keep our heads clear,
or our tongues from evil
by this sword, certain death at our own hands

To have no wants is divine - untrue!
platinum waves tainted gold, we can only watch from
the shores

Falling into innocence by a shadow's kiss
He speaks what mortals dare to say, will he betray?

If you dare play the game - your descent preordained
from their fiery thrones screaming,
cursing your name
On the terror it breeds - breathing fire and gree
watch him jest as you bleed...
Screaming enter the Damnation Game


If you dare play the game -
your descent preordained
from their fiery thrones screaming,
cursing your name
On the terror it breeds - breating fire and greed
watch him laugh as you bledd...
Screaming enter the Damnation Game


If you dare play the game - your descent preordained
from their fiery thrones screaming,
cursing your name
On the terror it breeds - breathing fire and gree
watch him jest as you bleed...
Screaming enter the Damnation Game
And last but not least. about 'Divine Wings Of Tragedy' an awsome album if I ever did see one, I'm not sure what the differince is! The cover is a tad differn't and it might have a music video on it! But I don't think so...

And well see yah at gigantour in Montreal, send me an e-mail sometime and let me know where you live!
The reissues all come with parts of a video interview with Symphony X. That's the quick answer about what extras are on there.