Symphony X..?


Master Exploder
I heard a song from their new album on the 3HOP the other night, and quite liked it (though I'm not sure which song). I thought they were similar to Dream Theater, but the song I heard sounded pretty heavy. What are they like? Whats a good song or two to d/l for a sample?
[color=#AOEOOA]More than likely that song would have been King of Terrors, since that seems to be the song that is played from their new Odessy album. (which I still can't find!)

What are they like? Well they're progressive Metal, kinda like DT but heavier, and more metal. If you understand what I'm saying.

Decent songs (I'll leave off tracks from V since you'll want to hear that album in it's entirety), would be Church Of The machine, Smoke and Mirrors and I guess for a softer Song, Candlelight Fantasia.

Symphony X kick DT IMO.

Go SyX.

BTW there is a SyX forum on this board if you haven't noticed.[/color]
I don't like Symphony X. I have Divine Wings of Tragedy and Twilight in Olympus, but they bore me too much to bother checking out the rest of their stuff. There are a few good songs on Divine Wings though.
[color=#AOEOOA]I don't have devine wings of Tragedy. I want it!

I have Twilight, Live On The Edge Of Forever and V: The Mythology Suite.

I want Odessy but can't find it.

When I first heard em, it took me awhile to get into what they were doing. I don't know why, but now they're great.[/color]
I normally don't mind progressive stuff, and it used to be all I listened to in the mid-to-late 90s... but yes, Symphony X is just plain arrogant on occasion. :)
[color=#AOEOOA]Is that why you never tell us who you are, Mr Peter Hore?

Old Cover

New Cover

See the difference?[/color]
I haven't heard much SymX but they're a great band. Most of the stuff i've heard is from V and The Odyssey. The title track from The Odyssey is amazing, but you may want to leave that until you get the album (i don't have it yet, damn!)
So other than that i've heard Sea of Lies, Smoke and Mirrors, Church of the Machine, In The Dragon's Den, Sonata and The Accolade. All of them are great!