Are you fucking crazy???Originally posted by blackstaRR
If you don't like the commercial side of Symphony X, like me, you won't/shouldn't like V, because that's absolutely their most commercial release so far.
Yes it varies, that's what makes them so interesting, but it's not really their style that varies, they are progressive, symphonic, and with some mystic and dark atmosphere on every album, that's their style!Originally posted by ElPredicador
It may be very difficult to define SyX's style, since it varies form cd to cd
Originally posted by Asmodeus
OK! You're crazy, Evolution can't be more SymX style than it is!
First of all, If ''V'''s not a progressive album, than I don't know which album is, and I don't know what is Progressive metal...
Second, It's all one Concept, the lyrics and the music, and it's perfect.
Please tell me one more thing, how do You define commercial music?
As You say it, everything what's melodic it must be commercial... blackstaRR, please answer me what kind of metal do You like the most?
Obviously, You're really ''smart'', so You probably listen to that kind of music
Have in mind - SymX albums are how they all want them to be, and it's good that they are a bit different on every album, it makes them more interesting, and their style is something I think we don't need to talk about, because it's very original and unique, please tell me, how many bands today can say that for their own music?........
Originally posted by ElPredicador
It may be very difficult to define SyX's style, since it varies form cd to cd
Originally posted by Tyrion
The most "commercial" Sy X album (if you define "commercial" as "easiest accessable for a normal metal fan") would be "The Damnation Game" imo. The song structures are quite straight forward most of the time and they dont really have any longtracks yet. I still love that album, it's just a bit different from their later stuff (and especially from "V").
Originally posted by Asmodeus
I think progressive metal are not just long (over 7 min songs) and changeable structures of the songs, there is much more than that...
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
I hated it more with each listen. One of my worst purchases in 2002 along with "Six Degrees of Intestinal Flatulance".
Originally posted by vedr4n
why? cuz he actually has his own opinion? heh.. only one who look's like a retard here is you, nhf tho![]()
Some of them tried to adaptate classic music, some of them tried to do something new, some of them were very popular, I like that staff, but when I listened to V,soon I understood that I have never heard ANYTHING like that , never ever.
Originally posted by Harp Heaven
I don`t get what you`re saying here; Are you trying to imply that Symphony X is "more progressive" than the aforementioned bands? Even if you didn`t, I must stress that progressive does not have to do anything with the number of time changes and fast solos, what it means is change, the opposite of rigid adherence to tried and true concepts of music. Many of the bands labeling themselves as progressive are regressive, as they do nothing but rehash old ideas and approaches, like Pagan`s Mind. Of course, the music might be great, but calling them progressive is fallacious, IMO.
A very silly example, but sadly something that could have been a reality, knowing the escapades of modern classical composers. While the above example might be progressive when using my term, you must know that I not in any way imply that more progressive= better. There is plenty of great music out there that add nothing fundamentally different to the world of music.A choir of monkeys would be progressive, because it would very new and conceptual?