SymphonyX in NewJersey Metal Meltdown

Fuck Symphony X! I would go there to see Fozzy! Chris Jericho is the man.

But seriously, isnt it funny that there are so many black and death metal bands going and then there is Symphony X and whats funnier is Fozzy is there too.

Symphony X and Fozzy should do a tour :D
My favorite wrestler and my favorite band. Can't get any better, but. . . isn't Chris Jericho Candian?
Originally posted by Soul of a new Machine
The New Jersey Metal Meltdown is a metal festival. 80 bands are confirmed to perform during 3 days. I saw recently SymphonyX was confirmed. However, I already got my tickets for the saturday (8th march). Does anyone have more info about this? I hope the band play the 8th so I can see them live.


No confirmation on thiis one yet. I seem to recall them as being listed last year or was it 2001 to play as well. Funny how it never happened either, eh??

Hopefully they don't play this. Those Metalfests are a sham and an insult to the entire metal community. Symphony X doesn't deserve this.
Please know that even though their name is listed there, this SymX appearance is NOT confirmed. Neither is the other couple dates running around for Montreal and the second Lamour show later in March.
Promoters will say ANYTHING as long as it sells tickets, and they would lie to anyone's face. They'll tell you Symphony X is playing but cancelled at the last minute just to get you to dish out money up front. As Deron and Glenn both said already, the metal fest show isnt confirmed yet, and I'd have to agree with other posters.. the metalfest is a joke, a 30 minute set.. Sheesh thats shorter than the set they played with Blind Guardian.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
You're not just a promoter, though, you're Glenn..completely different species. ;)


Glenn isn't merely a promoter... what he has done for the "progpower" scene in the United States over the past few years is incredible...
Originally posted by Harvester
Ack! I'm wounded.

The other Glenn (H.)

Hahahah Glenn I didnt mean you OF COURSE :D I meant all those mean greasy people who would lie to their own mother promoters, ya know like in Spinal Tap the guy Paul Schaffer plays :D
While I have no comment on Koshick events, other than that Symphony X is slated to play the 3rd & final day (Sunday, March 9), L'Amours in Brooklyn never announces shows on their website unless they're going to happen.

The SymX headlining gig on March 14 is also available already on TicketBastard; for an allegedly unconfirmed show, it certainly has the looks of a confirmed one.
Originally posted by Soul of a new Machine
Anyway the promoter told me they "would" play sunday, and I won't be there. I will see Nuclear Assault, Overkill and BLAZE on sunday though, make my day and the 10 hour drive sweeter.


Nuclear Assault, Overkill & BLAZE are all slated to play the middle day, Saturday March 8.