
Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
I dig this band. Andy B. Franck(also of Brainstorm) is an awesome vocalist. It was great seeing them at PPUSA a couple years back! Favorite albums and songs?
I have only two CD's by the band, "Twice Second" and "Godspeed". I've also heard bits and pieces from some of their other efforts. While I by no means am a Symphorce expert my favorite song from them is "The Mirrored Room" from the "Godspeed" CD. :headbang:
I have only two CD's by the band, "Twice Second" and "Godspeed". I've also heard bits and pieces from some of their other efforts. While I by no means am a Symphorce expert my favorite song from them is "The Mirrored Room" from the "Godspeed" CD. :headbang:
My favorites are Godspeed 10/10 and Phorceful Ahead 9.75/10.:headbang:
Andy is one of my personal biggest influences as a frontman and vocalist. Granted I might not sound anything like him, but he is a vocal hero to me regardless.
I have always loved his voice as well, and was hooked on Brainstorm and Symphorce quite quickly because of it. The first symphorce album is my favorite and I really don't think they have been able to match it since.
Andy, much like Jorn Lande and Zak Stevens, can do no wrong in my eyes. Cause of Laughter is probably my favorite song by Symphorce. I love some of the semi-gothic tones their latest disc takes here and there! His voice reminds me of the 69 Eyes' vocalist on a few songs. Andy's voice fits that type of music to a tee.

Andy, much like Jorn Lande and Zak Stevens, can do no wrong in my eyes. Cause of Laughter is probably my favorite song by Symphorce. I love some of the semi-gothic tones their latest disc takes here and there! His voice reminds me of the 69 Eyes' vocalist on a few songs. Andy's voice fits that type of music to a tee.

Yes indeed.:headbang: You're one of my favorite people on here, Edge, and that goes way back to the Savaboards days!:headbang:
My boyz!! Godspeed topped Twice Second for me though they both get lot's of play.. fave tracks out of all releases would be
In the hopes of a dream
lost but found
mirrored room
whatever hate provides
cry on my shoulder
touched and infected
your blood my soul ahh I'm a total fan girl, love it all!

I've been chatting with the guys to see what's up and as of now things are at a stand still. Become Death appropriately titled - was their last album with Metalblade.

Cede is working on a solo release and Dennis is working with JimBob and other side projects, Markus continues to record/tour with Mystic Prophecy Andy has Brainstorm who I'm certainly hoping will make a PP X appearance!:p

I still have SYMPHORCE stickers left should anyone want some send me a PM.
sadly we had to shut down symphorce fans dot net and as you see at UM our forum is very slow...don't know who's is slower ours or Tad Morose :lol:
Right on, man! ABF rules! Would you guys please play a Symphorce cover on the June 14th show?:headbang:

While I think the majority of E.B.S. wants to cover a Symphorce song, I doubt we'll ever do it live unless we can convince our Drummer otherwise. He doesn't particularly care for playing other people's stuff unless special circumstances are involved--charity, tribute, money, etc.

I'd do some Symphorce regardless, but without everyone's participation and consent it's kinda hard. Anybody thats in a band can probably understand if one person strongly disagrees, its always an uphill battle.