synth question


New Metal Member
Feb 6, 2009
Hopefully i haven't overlooked this topic on here. If so i apologize.
I write my synths and what not in guitar pro, and then export the midi file...Now the DAWs ive used do not export midi when i render the project
is there Vst plugin that i can use?
i guess sorta works the same as VB-1 works for midi bass, but in this case for synth/strings, etc
You can export MIDI from any DAW, is that what you mean? Otherwise to hear your strings and whatnot you need VST instruments. Sorry if i'm stating the obvious I'm not quite sure I understand the question...
When i try to render my entire project in Reaper or Sonar.. the midi would never be there when i listen to it after outside of Reaper or Sonar.
sorry i worded my first post wrong.. im not tryin to export the midi in my DAW... just want it to come out in my track after i render it.. outside of my DAW
You won't be able to do that without using a VST. You're rendering to .wav (or mp3 or whatever) and you can't include midi in that. You can probably get a general midi soundfront (I think thats what its called) where you put your midi through and it gives you an audio signal. Or else just use a different VST for each sound. Use that then render your audio.
You need a soft synth to render your MIDI to audio prior to exporting your project. MIDI data is just that, data, no audio. You will need to run the MIDI through various soft synths (i.e. bass, pads, leads, ... whatever the part represents). As noted above a good GM VSTi will get you covered with basic representations of most instruments, but it will not sound the most realistic.