SyX's New Direction?

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
What direction do you think the new SyX album will be??
Personatly I would like it all the band members write it and not just MJR. Not that I didnt like The Odessy (I love it) its just that "The Accolade" and "Awakenings" are the best written songs of the album and there the ones that not just MJR wrote. Best written and your favourite songs are two different things though (My faves are King of terrors, Inferno,Wicked, Awakenings and (of course) The Odessy)

But seriously, do you think they'll go more prog, more neo-classical, heavier, more epic ("V"), etc.....

What do you hope.
I guess you mean next record. Which is at least 2 years away, probably longer so the band can tour longer for their current release. Romeo is the man, and im sure the rest of the band agrees with me. Although I quite enjoyed Pinnella's V contributions
Not to mention Michael R hasn't hidden his desire to become the next John Williams and get into soundtrack composition; I don't think much, if anything will change. Which is find, since I believe the old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies here.
markgugs says "I believe the old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies here"

I agree completely!! I have not been disappointed yet and sure don't expect to be! :)

icedsymphony says "next record. Which is at least 2 years away, probably longer"

NO NO NO That's tooooooo long to wait :yow:
I think that whichever direction they decide to go it will be great music for them, and us. The thing I love about MJR is he's still a metalhead at heart. He stated that in a recent interview, and if that's his true love then you know they will never stray too far from the path of us all.

I can't wait to see where they go next!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Ok, Cool
But what musical direction do you think they'll take?

Pharoah's thoughts on the musical direction !:)
Pharoah thinks Romeo proved to himself, the band, and the world that he can put it all together on his computer quite well (The Odyssey CD). Soooo...I'd betcha he takes the guys into a direction like the song "The Odyssey", perhaps a full rock opera sort of thing where all the creative energies can merge and mesh into something really great that will just blow the music industry's mind and secure them a respectable place in musical history....because THEY CAN do it. Like what the Who's "TOMMY" did and Jesus Christ Superstar (Not comparing, of course, just suggesting the results!) The "collective" writing talents of all the guys in the band is amazing, both musical and lyrical.
I would love it and be quite happy for them and us.:Spin:
Dado-x said:
Not so much for the direction, but I hope they'll do some more of that jazzy stuff like in Awakenings. :D

Isn't it awesome! Now I'm wondering if anyone else could hear a touch of the Doors "Riders on the Storm" in there???:)
Personally...not as much as the previous albums. The previous ones were more progressive while the odyssey is more straightforward than they have ever been. I personally liked their progressive side more. But seeing as this album is/will be their biggest seller, they will more or less stick to what sold them the most records. Do i blame them? no. I just wish for more of a Divine wings/Twilight era Symphony X.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
What direction do you think the new SyX album will be??
Personatly I would like it all the band members write it and not just MJR. Not that I didnt like The Odessy (I love it) its just that "The Accolade" and "Awakenings" are the best written songs of the album and there the ones that not just MJR wrote. Best written and your favourite songs are two different things though (My faves are King of terrors, Inferno,Wicked, Awakenings and (of course) The Odessy)

But seriously, do you think they'll go more prog, more neo-classical, heavier, more epic ("V" ), etc.....

What do you hope.

Dude sincerly I don't know what they'll be going.. hehe but I'm very sure is gonna be good stuff :headbang:
I don't really know, but I think they are going into a more progressive direction on the next album. Whatever it is, it'll be good :headbang:
I can't even imagine a Symphony X new "reggae"-ish direction...

Michael Romeo meeting Russ on the streets of New Jersey...

Michael Romeo: Mista Russel Alleeeeeeen, whassup, nigga...?! smokin' sum' slang?! heheheheeeeeeeeeeee...

Russel Allen: That's right Mr. Pimp, now that I become a rappa, I'm doin' some nu shit here, let's do some nu stuff?

Michael "Mr. Pimp" Romeo: yah bro, I was thinkin' 'bout some nu thingz that make tha fanz blow tha shit outta here, whadd'ya think huh?! hahahaahhahaaaaaaa!!

Russel Allen: Yah, let' see bro...!!

And, then...

Put my mind on my money and my money on my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...:zombie:

Russel Allen: Shit... whud happen'd bro?

Mike Pimp: Duuuuhuhuhuuude... this slang is the shit outta blow...!!

Yeah... it wouldn't work...