
Casa Negra
May 15, 2006
Anyplace - World
T.C. Electronic Gold Channel



Wich pre + conveter you guys thinks it´s better? T.C. has more tools to offer, but does the API sound so much better than the T.C. to make me forget all the comps, eqs and stuff on the T.C.?

I don't think many folks have used the A2D yet. That said they are (as you stated) very different boxes. Personally I don't do a lot of processing on the way in and I'm a big fan of API pres but if you want the processing then.....
Also in my personal prejudice category, I'm not really into outboard digital boxes for compression/eq if I'm going straight into a DAW anyway.
All of that stated, I don't think I'd drop $1700-2000 w/o at least hearing the box first.
The problem is there is not a API dealer in my city, I would have to travel to listen to it, and I don´t think they keep this kind of box in stock. They import it as soon as anyone wants to buy one, so I´ll problably never listen to it unless I buy it.

I use Channel Strip for processing, so I don´t know if Gold Channel owns CS that much to choose T.C.

Everyone tells me API sounds great, I´ll be using mainly for guitars (from hell), bass and vox. I´m really going for quality here, and I need a good pre and a good converter, all in one.

Anyone else have any input on that?
Try going here and listeing to stuff:
neither of those particular units have examples up but I believe that both the neve and api 'sounds' are reasonably well represented so you can at least hear the fundamental differences.
Isn't there a huge price difference between the DPD and the A2D? In the US the neve's MSRP is nearly twice as much.
egan. said:
Try going here and listeing to stuff:
neither of those particular units have examples up but I believe that both the neve and api 'sounds' are reasonably well represented so you can at least hear the fundamental differences.
Isn't there a huge price difference between the DPD and the A2D? In the US the neve's MSRP is nearly twice as much.

Yes, the DPD is twice as much, I´m definetely going for the A2D.

Rupert Neve stuff is very expensive, but I´ve never heard an AE complaining about it. If one has the money to get it, can´t go wrong. Maybe in about 12.000 years I´ll have a Neve desk... hmmm... maybe 30.000 years... :Smug:
I use to have a couple of API 512C's (pre's), a pair of 525's(comp), and a pair of 550b's (eq) in a lunchbox configuration (go to www.mercenary.com to see what I'm talking about) for vocals, acoustic guitars, and mic'ing amps. Probably the best setup I ever had as far as pre's go. Now I have an Avalon Vt727-sp for that stuff, and I usually run mic'ed amps through my 002R's preamps. I shouldn't have sold that API setup, but I needed the cash in a hurry...oh well. I still regret it to this day (it's been two years).

I vote for the API bro. :)
