T-Shirt printing...


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
As many of you know- I'm getting ready to make a few Noltem shirts, but I'm not finding any spectacular looking companies to do the deed.

I know that a few regulars here may have had an experience or two with this sort of thing, so I am completely open to reccomendations or suggestions. I found a place that doesn't require a minimum order (nice), but they don't have black shirts!!!!! How totally ridiculous is that?


(You can thank Mr. Moose, my friend John Krzeminski, and the lovely ct_thrash for helping me make that design come to life).
That's pretty sweet. I'd be interested if this fully goes through. As long as it's the softer side of cotton. :tickled: Those rough cotton t-shirts suck!

lol, naa, Id prob buy one regardless just to support your fat ass. :loco: Fantastic Max!
Ayeka said:
What's the design on the shirt?

That's a trollcross. The original story is that trolls hated iron (I think it was iron, atleast) and if you wanted to protect yourself from them, you would make that symbol with the metal! Obviously these shirts won't save your ass in the woods, so avoid wandering around the Scandinavian forests at night with your Noltem shirts on, kthx.

ct_thrash said:
not that i know anything about this but www.customink.com seems nifty. and you can upload designs from your computer to have a virtual preview of what it would look like...and shit.

Hmmmm yes, I've seen this place. Their prices seem sort of high, and they sadly have a minimum order :(. ANYWAY, thank you for looking- I'll definitely keep this company in mind.
having printed t-shirts before, i can tell you that obviously the more you order the cheaper they get. prepare to pay about $50-$70 for the initial plate. and about $7-$8 for a 4 color single sided black shirt.

Email this girl Amy (nobletees@aol.com) ... she is in Long Island, NY and she does nice work on good quality shirts. I think I ordered last about 25 shirts and it was about 200-225 dollars.
Thanks for the words everyone, especially Lurch. I've been doing some quoting, and for 25 of these Noltem shirts it looks like it's going to be about $250-400 (depending). For anyone who cares, that design with "Hymn of the Wood" is on the back, and the front is just the new logo.
Marksveld said:
Thanks for the words everyone, especially Lurch. I've been doing some quoting, and for 25 of these Noltem shirts it looks like it's going to be about $250-400 (depending). For anyone who cares, that design with "Hymn of the Wood" is on the back, and the front is just the new logo.

This is exactly the way I wanted it to turn out, and I didn't even have to tell you. :p
cthulufhtagn said:
sounds pretty sweet, i'd pay money for em....any idea of how much they're gonna sell for?

Probably $15 (including postage), but since you... designed the logo, I don't think you'll be doing much paying. :)
Marksveld said:
Probably $15 (including postage), but since you... designed the logo, I don't think you'll be doing much paying. :)
i'll gladly pay at least what it cost you :headbang:

also, just out of curiosity, when did you put the tape in the mail (assuming you did already put the tape in the mail haha, ok if you haven't yet :tickled: )? cuz i haven't gotten it yet and i'm wondering if those damn theiving postal employees sheisted my precious noltem tape...
cthulufhtagn said:
i'll gladly pay at least what it cost you :headbang:

also, just out of curiosity, when did you put the tape in the mail (assuming you did already put the tape in the mail haha, ok if you haven't yet :tickled: )? cuz i haven't gotten it yet and i'm wondering if those damn theiving postal employees sheisted my precious noltem tape...

I'll be the first to admit that I am fucking lazy. It goes out within the next three days, I promise (that goes for anyone else, too).