Taake - ...Doedskvad


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Sep 4, 2003
Second listen right now. Should have invested some more pennies in a waterproof chair...

Hell, the first track might be their most wickedly brilliant so far. And the rest, well, we'll have plenty of time to sort it out I guess :wave:
Biatch , how the hell did you get it so fast , meh :bah:.

The sample sounded good.That's my contribution :loco:
Like I said in the other Taake thread, "Doedskvad" reigns supreme. Definitely more solid than "Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmelrik".

Fun fact for thread starter: Did you know that the title means TOTENLIED or something to that extent in German?
It's definitely better than Bjoeverin, but I still really can't see him making something better than Nattestid. Matt and I were also discussing how it was funny that Perverted Taste had a pre-mature ejaculation with the "Trilogy" box-set. I think it would have been a little bit more appropriate to wait 5 months and release the TRUE trilogy. Oh well.
Seriously, it is so good. Probably defined as a crossbreed between both previous albums but a helluva lot better than Bjoergvin (?). It is right up there with Nattestid. Now, if Host only brought back the chants from Nattestid, I would probably have to buy new underwear.
Hehe, that sounds very good, though I've decided not to get any new records for some time so it will have to wait, but the vinyl version isn't out yet so it doesn't matter. I disliked Bjoergvin quite a lot and though I haven't heard Nattestid for more than two times or so I still think it's miles ahead of the former. Thusly; Doedskvad: :kickass: