
Taken from: Avantgarde Music

"One of the strongest hopes for the future of Norwegian black metal is back! Even though the project was formed in 1993, songwriter/main man Hoest preferred keeping a rather low profile in the scene until finally signing a
deal with Wounded Love records in 1997.
Nevertheless, 3 demos and a 7" EP, all highly acclaimed, were released during the first 4 years of existance.
The 1999 debut album "Nattestid..." got high and even top scores in most reviews, wherein critics predicted a bright future for the band. Although still maintaining the essence of the black metal style which originated in
Norway in the early 90¹s, the 2nd album shows more progressive elements and a band with a strong identity.

The freezing cold sound production was again obtained with Pytten in the Grieghallen studios of Bjoergvin (which is the old name for the band's hometown Bergen).
Through the recording, guitarist/vocalist Hoest was aided by second guitarist C. Corax, bassist/pianist Keridwen and theold Trelldom/Gaahlskagg/Sigfader drummer Mutt. A co-operation which also proved to be a powerful live unit.

Like "Nattestid...", "...Bjoergvin..." is a 7 tracks concept album, written in the old Norse Futhark runes and formulated in Norwegian verseform with thorough rhyme & rhythm. Hoest's writings are based upon personal thoughts & feelings, metaphorically presented in timeless Norwegian scenery inspired by the vast Norwegian
cultural heritage. This time, the main topic is death...

For those who miss the good old days and the essence of Norwegian BLACK metal !"
Yes, Tåke is almoast as grim as it gets now days, great old school black metal.... and høst still sings in Norwegian, not a whole lot of bands do that anymore.

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Står åpen i sin prakt
Hoest in corpse-paint breathing fire and looking grim. How could I not post it?
I bought 'Bjoergvin' this afternoon, and I have to say I'm very impressed. It's one of those growers. The more you listen to it, the greater it becomes. There is definitely something special about this album.

I presume the other album is worth purchasing also?

I know this is an old thread, but I thought they were good enough to go back to the top of the pile- literally.
The previous album Nattestid is indeed worthy of buying. It is more raw black metal the the new one, for sure another great piece of art that true black metal fans need in their cd collection :)

and you wouldn't be biased, considering the album title is your user name!!!

But yeah, I will probably get it when I've got the funds.

By the way, what's with that "boing!!!" noise in Part III? It reminds me of a cartoon character bouncing around on a spring or something....
ha ha ha ha!!!! Is not the first time I´ve heard boing noises in Black Metal, (maybe a new trendly instrument...) I´m not sure, but I think Moonsorrow have too, but the "Taake´s boing" is really laughable.

BTW Their first album is amazing, less melodic and the vocals and guitars are more raw, but very good.

Check the samples: http://taake.cjb.net/
Hahaha yeah I guess I am already sold to Taake with my user name :p Btw the `boing noise is done with a mouth harp. I like it it gives the song character.