Tab request


Oct 19, 2015
Under the gray sky
Hey guy, I would normally not post such stuff here, but since the forum is a bit dead I wondered if anyone here would be willing to help me out. There is this song which I absolutly love on Youtube and I don't have the skills to tab this all by ear. I "hoped" one of you might be free or bored. Here is the link, if one of you feels like doing it, let me know.

Ps: I first tabbed Morrigan, so you can see it as reward XD
Honestly, not to be a dick, but one of the best things you can do for yourself as a musician is to sit down and learn things on your own and develop an ear for what you're hearing. Considering that's a guitar play-through video you should be able to see some of what he's doing and use that to your advantage. It will be hard work, but that's what playing guitar is all about.

If you're having trouble then use this website in tandem with the video. You can do it. If you feel that you're absolutely stumped on a part then feel free to come back and I'll give you a hand.
Well, then help me out at least on the first chord. No matter how I look at it it sounds wrong on my guitar. I think his tuning is DropC and the chord looks like
Which sounds horrible XD
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Looks like a normal barre chord to me:


If the tuning really is drop C just leave out the Low E string or it will sound bad. Too lazy (And too bad a tabber) to try if that's correct but it looks correct to me.
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Yeah, it looks like a normal chord, but if you listen to it, it's not XD I tried again and again and I ended up with something like
Which still sounds weird but closer to what's being played.
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You had it right the second time. It also does appear to be either D standard or drop C. drop C I'm pretty sure. Make sure when you're working on doing stuff like this that you don't stay on one part any longer than you have to. Sometimes ear fatigue will start to kick in and your mind will play tricks on you. Work on one part until you feel you're pretty close and then move onto the next one still, but just keep in mind that if it's getting frustrating that it's usually something more simple than what you'd expect, 9 times out of 10.
Hey similar to WorksofHeart's suggestion of tunetranscriber is - works with video too but you'd need to use a YouTube downloader first. You can zoom the video as well as slow down. Also can repeat loops on progressively faster tempos - pitch retained. I use Mac - the Mac version looks a little better than Windows one.