TAB Thread.

:lol: I know what you meant, I just felt like being funny.

I'm not sure what's going on, we were going to do it ASAP but me and shadowsouls were going to play the Alexi Doc solo and the actual Hellion solo instead of making one up so we're still working on getting those up to speed and I still don't know for sure how we're doing the backing track.
Yeah, I didn't actually choose that, that's the backing track I have to stick a 40 second solo over. It makes a chance from the ol' chugga chugga type metal backing track though since that's pretty much what I play all the time.

I didn't practise it at all, I played it there and then on the spot, all I had to do was think of something cool to play. :)
Nah, I wrote it all before hand but what I mean is, I didn't have to sit and practise with a metronome to get it to that speed, I just figured out something I wanted to play, hit record and went for it.

Except solo 3, that was improvised.
Erm...maybe because that's where all the tabs are hosted?

I'm not going to load a webpage, then browse for it and wait for it to upload and then paste it when he can download Sixpounder and fuck loads more in seconds.
damn, i learned the first part of Downfall the wrong way, and now i'm trying to re-learn it the right way, it's not much different, but just annoying. and yeah, i just felt like saying is everybody here?
Im alright, tired though (I just woke up). Im probably gonna practice that Doc. solo in a little bit. What about you?

I haven't been working on the Hellion solo...

I learnt it that one night, practised it for about 2 hours, got cold and stopped.

I'm sure I'll be able to pull it off if I just try real hard but it won't be *easy*.

I've been too busy learning Necrophagist songs.