AYDY: I do also think the GW transcription of AYDY was probably the best on the net so far. I checked over that tab quickly and it's actually been made worse tbh.
ETID: I don't like how the "filled" guitar sounds. I made my version to suit my ears. Whether or not it's how Alexi played it, I do not know. Some of the scale runs are off and use a few wrong notes here and there. And just to be picky, the last run in the solo is all picked.
PMIB: I have to admit, the first riff does actually sound closer to the album than any other tab I've seen. I don't really know how the rest of it is different because I've never bothered learning it but it sounds very good.
TL&S: This one is a tricky one to get right and like crawler64 said, the one from the YG mag sounds a tad more accurate during those pre-chorus harmony parts etc. The solo looks off in places too.
WH: This is a weird tab. There's an incorrect position shift during those first sweeps and there's weird timings during the rhythm guitar that follows. The actual solo itself is very wrong in timing and positioning.
NiL: I think this tab sounds close in places, sometimes it sounds bad but it's actually in the wrong tuning so it makes everything on the low E string different by 2 frets but that's no big deal. The chorus sounds a bit weird and like Rock Hydra said, a few things during the solo section too.
YBOD: Like DJ birtish motard said, there's a few notes in the wrong place at the wrong time so just download his tab.
Sinergy: I don't know the song too well but the beginning of that tab sounds pretty damn close actually. Some of the parts of the solo do sound close too so I don't think there's much for me to correct but I might do it when I have some time and energy.
I can't fucking download the other tabs because sendspace is being shit but I'll give my input when I can.