TAB Thread.

Oh right. Didn't you edit the drums at all? There's a different sound during the intro and there's panning etc, sounds much more developed than the tab I wrote up. Oh well, sounds fantasic, maybe I should attempt to re-record what I did once my pc is up and running again.
Oh right. Didn't you edit the drums at all? There's a different sound during the intro and there's panning etc, sounds much more developed than the tab I wrote up. Oh well, sounds fantasic, maybe I should attempt to re-record what I did once my pc is up and running again.

Yeah, I did edit the drums. I wrote them from scratch. The intro drums are actually three different tracks and a lot of messing around with effects in Audition. I used the 'HS R8 Drums' -kit in the intro.

Yeah you should re-record that! Though your old recording sounds ace too! :)
Ah right ok, makes sense now. I was confused at first as to how you got it sounding like that with no changes.

I'll record it but I'll need to re-learn it. :d That old recording was improv after the 1 string ascending run. Or I could just re improv it. Eh.
^Have you seen the one where they are in japan playing some guitarbattle game? :lol: It's pretty fun, i could find the link if you haven't seen it.
Warheart, I found a video that you might like.

Marty Friedman is one of my favorite guitarists, he jams out with Paul Gilbert.

Yeah I saw that back when it was first recorded. Tbh, I don't like it that much. I'm not diggin that "blues jam" sound at all and I just hate that both PG and AL have both gone in a more bluesy direction regarding their chocie of licks nowadays. :erk:

^Have you seen the one where they are in japan playing some guitarbattle game? :lol: It's pretty fun, i could find the link if you haven't seen it.

There's 2 of those now I think.

I've seen w/ Marty and Kerry King

:lol: That would be awesome to see. I used to have a link where you could download all episodes of that show but I don't have it anymore.

Here's some new vids i just did...

Unforgiven solo

How is my bending in this cause solo cause i normally suck at it... ?

Ensiferum - Guardians of Fate

Norther - Darkest time solo

The bends still need work. Sounds to me like you're bending too much. Try doing bending exercises instead, vibrato too.