Could you possibly get the audio for it, it'd be much easier than me getting access to the video.
<-Warheart-> said:
Check it.
I copied exactly from the book so do not blame me for any mistakes.
I don't play it this way so I didn't bother editing it either.
There's a bit in the pre-chorus where there's a pinch harmonic, 5th fret G string, I couldn't be bothered putting that in. The bit in the solo with the tapping with WTF above, it's bend 14 up to 16, tap 17 release and repeat.
Ante EM-10 said:does any body have oops I did it again tab?
shumik said:Can I have Next In Line Tab?
Shreddy666 said:Yeah, Warheart about that Hate Crew tab, the first one is most accurate, but that solo isnt playable like that. What do you think about bars 135 to 141? Bar 135 is playable but hard...but the thing is, if you play it like this u wont end up in the right position for how I KNOW the next part is played... bar 136 I know for sure isnt correct, the notes are, but alexi plays it on 1 string, sliding sliding the higher note up, and with every slide he gives a wack to the trem bar. You know what I mean right? Bar 139 cant be correct! Or if it is and you can play it like that, please record it and send me a vid...Bar 140 seems correct, but when i play along with the record it sounds a bit weird, and everybody knows bar 141 is wrong, those are tapped notes being played on the bended one...Could u please help me out a bit?