Alex~ said:it's still pretty bad, i'm too lazy to go over it all and tab the things I learned by EAR! etc.. but it's almost the right fingering
<-Warheart-> said:Downfall:
From bar 23-30:
ymze said:Warheart: how is the "Return to the fourth world" tab going?
<-Warheart-> said:Well to tell you the truth I haven't added to it since the last time. I'm not one for finishing things I start but I'll give it some attention if you want.
transient said:for those interested, the first high riff in living dead beat (the melody) isnt played on the B strings, its played up on D around the 12th fret area
i watched them play it live
i may have the strings wrong, im not playing at the moment
oh and hate me was played with open strings
h/oHomerJ_123 said: