i havent really listened to the one on the single, but when i have listened to i liked it, yeah the solos are alot different in single version
BucketBanger9000 said:Anyone got any songs that are really beneficial to learn? Here is my situation. I have an Epiphone Les Paul Special II, 22 frets. Which being a Les Paul, has limited access to the upper frets. I am about to get a nice Ibanez, 24 frets, in August. What song, if I were to learn it, would be really beneficial to my playing? (BTW: I am in Concert E Tuning)
BucketBanger9000 said:Already know it. Would it be possible to do some Yngwie songs with a les paul?
BucketBanger9000 said:I just need a fun song to learn while i'm practicing all this scales and theory and shit.
DIEDOTEXE said:Why dont you guys just use guitar pro? you can: A)buy it B)download it illegally, or C) use trial version and just make screenshots of the all tabs you want and copy paste 'em.