TAB Thread.

Hey, I just started to play CoB on guitar (I've been playing guitar for 2 years now) and which song do you guys think is the best to start with? Or some riffs? I know this sounds stupid but hey, I've got to start somewhere.
No, could you send it to me via pm?


Next In Line

I've re-tabbed the complete tab. Now it should be MUCH better than my first one but I've missed some parts... I was to lazy to tab the keyboard solo, I haven't got the lead guitar in the first interlude and some harmonics could be wrong cause I tabbed all with my acoustic guitar...

Uh, for some reason I've changed the time in bar 55 into 3/4... don't know why. Should be also 4/4...
BTW Arcane, could you try and get a pic of the cavity with the MM04 inside? I asked a dude who has it on Youtube, but nerd player is nerd and he didn't know what I was talking about when I told him about the gainbooster.
I know cause I've made the tab. And I've made it 6 or 7 months before the DVD came out. But what I and all the others mean that we can't understand where the fuck the problem is to tab those few chords out by yourself?!?!? Those are all simple chords man!!!