TAB Thread.

can anyone provide me Kylähullut tabs????

like nowhere to be foun except for vitun urpo.

i would really like a tab from Turpa Täynnä

vut nowhere can i found these, can anyone also make tabs for Kylähullut since alexi played there to... it is really fun music to listen to so playing it would be fun to if i ahd tab -.-'

PLEASE anyone???? :P
^Dude, Kylähullut is simple punk music. Even Greenday have some harder "riffs" in their songs. And Alexis solos aren't that hard that you can't figure them out by yourself when you just listen to them a few times... anyway, have you checked ultimate-guitar? I'm not sure but I think I've seen a few tabs there...
The fingering is much easier in the new Bed Of Razors melody, I was frustrated with it in the past when you'd set it on the higher strings. So far I've found Hatebreeder overall the 'nicest' COB album to play as a beginner guitarist. With other albums there's more of either too difficult or too easy parts.

I have this shit problem with things like this... like in the Razors intro. I use my ring finger to play the note I marked green and the same finger silences the note I marked red. Any tips?

I would play the green not with my middle finger and then the red not with my index finger.

But it also depends on what the next chord or note would be.
So how? Is there a trick to play that. I need 2 seconds to place my fingers on the correct spots so that the ring finger doesn't kill the other string, and there's only like 0.09 seconds time if any.
Which part of the song is that?

I too just started to learn that song but I can't think of what part of the song those chords are in.
The fingering is much easier in the new Bed Of Razors melody, I was frustrated with it in the past when you'd set it on the higher strings. So far I've found Hatebreeder overall the 'nicest' COB album to play as a beginner guitarist. With other albums there's more of either too difficult or too easy parts.

I have this shit problem with things like this... like in the Razors intro. I use my ring finger to play the note I marked green and the same finger silences the note I marked red. Any tips?


Don't know where your problem is. I play the first chord with my index and pinky and the red note with my middle and green with my ring finger... simple as fuck
^^It comes 2 times in the Bed Of Razors intro, right when the guitars kick in.

^You play that first chord with index and pinky? Why not index and ring?

On the first chord my fingers just rest on the frets but for that second one I obviously have to place them so that only the fingertips touch the strings, and that takes a bit too long, maybe 0,4 seconds when it should happen immediately, that's the problem. Maybe practise will do.
Well, it doesn't matter which fingers I use. I mostly depends on what comes right after a chord. I guess you play guitar for a short time now, or? It's the same with everything else (normal chords, picking, sweeps, solos,....) practise it slow and work on your fingering. It's all a matter of how long you practise. When I started playing guitar I needed almost one week to play simple acoustic things like a change from a to f
Oh ok in the intro. Don't know the rythm part just the lead.

But I agree with Arcane. I use my index and pinky for all bar chords. Not only does it free up your other fingers to hit notes, but it also helps strengthen your pinky.
Hmm that makes logic, will have to try.

Yea I've played for like two years, couple of hours every week and so, these times more. I'm not a guitarist. Always considered myself a keyboard player cos the atmosphere creation was more intense, but somehow I've moved more to guitar cos it's just so much easier to take on your lap and start to play. Should practise the keyboard too, but the Tux Guitar thing doesn't show the piano I think, and I can't read notes..

It's awesome now that I feel development. Couple of months ago I couldn't have imagined to be able to play for example the Blooddrunk melody on full speed any time soon but now I'm close. Of course you get better at playing stuff you know when you practise, but learning is faster too. And it's wicked when you realize some difficult part gets playable when you for example slide your finger onto another fret and then have better access for other notes, etc..

Got many hobbies and this is just one of them, but that only means the development comes slower than for those who practise six hours everyday. [/fag n00b guitar explanation]

On Saturday I practise the Bed Of Razors solo and the rest of it. For me it's been developing to know a bunch or difficult stuff and everytime just play them all through separately. Each time is a little faster etc.
Yea, in time you will find little "tricks" to help you play things easier. You will also start to learn things faster. I can pretty much learn any rhythm track in a day or so depending on the difficulty, its now just solos and tough leads that take time.

You'll get there, just gotta be patient with yourself, which is the hardest part.
I used to think there is some magical secret about playing stuff like COB solos that I can't touch but I don't think so anymore. It all comes together slowly. But I'm far away from that still.

I can learn some COB song rhythms just like that, and remember it all, but of course the tricky stuff is hard. It helps when you can 'play' the song in your head and 'remember' every note. If I had to practise for example Metallica it would be much more difficult as I don't know their songs like I know COB.
That is true. Once you have heard the song a million times you pretty much know whats coming next so it does help.

I will listen to a song I am going to learn numerous time until I can basically count out everything in my head as if the guitar were drums. Makes learning it a lot easier... for me anyways. For guitar everything is for the most part in patterns of 2,3, or 4. So i break it down on a small scale to learn the tough stuff. And then just link it all up. next thing you know, you're playing the whole solo.
It's stupid to say that songs are easier to learn when you got them in your "head" when you didn't know the notes ^^. There's no difference for me in playing Metallica, Bodom or any other band songs. You have to learn the notes and it didn't makes it easier if you listen to it 1 or 1000 times.
It's not stupid at all.

If you don't know the rhythm in your head, even if you do know the notes you won't be able to play it the way its supposed to be played. It'll just sound like notes being played. Its the rhythm of those notes that makes a song sound like a song.

Some notes ring out,some get cut short. I mean if you can read musical notation and understand that and time signatures, then yea you can learn it without hearing the song, but thats about it.

Not once I have ever been able to just look at tab for a song and play it correctly if I haven't heard the song and know the rhythm the notes that need to be played.