Hmm that makes logic, will have to try.
Yea I've played for like two years, couple of hours every week and so, these times more. I'm not a guitarist. Always considered myself a keyboard player cos the atmosphere creation was more intense, but somehow I've moved more to guitar cos it's just so much easier to take on your lap and start to play. Should practise the keyboard too, but the Tux Guitar thing doesn't show the piano I think, and I can't read notes..
It's awesome now that I feel development. Couple of months ago I couldn't have imagined to be able to play for example the Blooddrunk melody on full speed any time soon but now I'm close. Of course you get better at playing stuff you know when you practise, but learning is faster too. And it's wicked when you realize some difficult part gets playable when you for example slide your finger onto another fret and then have better access for other notes, etc..
Got many hobbies and this is just one of them, but that only means the development comes slower than for those who practise six hours everyday. [/fag n00b guitar explanation]
On Saturday I practise the Bed Of Razors solo and the rest of it. For me it's been developing to know a bunch or difficult stuff and everytime just play them all through separately. Each time is a little faster etc.