Hello there,
My first post, and an important question about sweep picking for you pros. The excellent example would be Kissing the shadows solo tab from the first page. Please take a look at 25th bar and pay attention to the strumming. My question is: Should the first note of the second arpeggio (number 13) be played with a downstroke, as marked, or, following the logic of sweep picking, with an upstroke? The latter makes it more difficult, but it keeps the "flow" and fluency of the right arm movement.
The similar thing goes also for the first note of the 26th bar.
Thanks for your answers.
It's a down. Down for the first 5 notes, hammer onto the A note, tap the D, pull off to the A & then then F and upstrokes for D, A & F. That picking pattern then repeats for the Bb arpeggio after and then the C after that.