TAB Thread.

Hello there,

My first post, and an important question about sweep picking for you pros. The excellent example would be Kissing the shadows solo tab from the first page. Please take a look at 25th bar and pay attention to the strumming. My question is: Should the first note of the second arpeggio (number 13) be played with a downstroke, as marked, or, following the logic of sweep picking, with an upstroke? The latter makes it more difficult, but it keeps the "flow" and fluency of the right arm movement.
The similar thing goes also for the first note of the 26th bar.

Thanks for your answers.

It's a down. Down for the first 5 notes, hammer onto the A note, tap the D, pull off to the A & then then F and upstrokes for D, A & F. That picking pattern then repeats for the Bb arpeggio after and then the C after that.
I've always seen it tabbed wrong. It should be


That's true, not sure why I haven't sorted that tab because it's quite a popular mistake.
It's a down. Down for the first 5 notes, hammer onto the A note, tap the D, pull off to the A & then then F and upstrokes for D, A & F. That picking pattern then repeats for the Bb arpeggio after and then the C after that.

Hey Warheart,
Thanks for the answer. I've been playing the solo as you described for months already. However, sweep picking (at least in theory) requires you to utilize "one-direction" movement of the right hand as much as possible. In this case, the first note of the second and subsequent arpeggios should be played with upstroke, as it continues from the previous notes. I tried to play this way also, and it is more difficult, but in the long run, I feel there could be benefits to it.
Hey Warheart,
Thanks for the answer. I've been playing the solo as you described for months already. However, sweep picking (at least in theory) requires you to utilize "one-direction" movement of the right hand as much as possible. In this case, the first note of the second and subsequent arpeggios should be played with upstroke, as it continues from the previous notes. I tried to play this way also, and it is more difficult, but in the long run, I feel there could be benefits to it.

Well yes but then you're just confusing yourself and it takes longer to learn. If you play each arpeggio the exact same way every time, it makes more sense and there aren't any rules so just do what's the most comfortable.
I have this question about the Warheart sweeps. It's more like how do you play that 2nd part? Which fingers do you use? I play it in this order

Like... I start with the pinky on 14th and end with index on 10th, the problem comes after that. Which fingers do you use after that to finish that lick? (I ask this question cause I loose a lot of time or often mess it up if I go too fast)
I start with my ring finger on the 14,middle on the 12th,index on the 11th,middle on the 12th,index on the 10,ring finger on the 14thand slide to the 15th.That's the way I play it.
I start with my ring finger on the 14,middle on the 12th,index on the 11th,middle on the 12th,index on the 10,ring finger on the 14thand slide to the 15th.That's the way I play it.

I go like - 14th pinky, 12th middle, 11th index, 12th middle, 10th index, then I go like - 14th ring, 15th pinky, 14th ring, 12th index and and finish on 15th with pinky. Is it accurate like that? I want to know what's the best way it can be played.
It's up to you I mean,If that is comfortable for you then go with it. Personally I think it's a bit "weird",or just that it seems more natural to slide with the ring finger from the 14th to the 15th,or just play the 14th note of the E string with your pinky and slide with it insted of using ring and then pinky but those are just my thoughts.
The thing is, that it doesn't seem so natural :lol: it works, that's for sure, maybe I'm not used to it yet and might work later on. Maybe it's not right to play it this way, I really have no clue :lol:
can anybody tell whats the last harmonic to the intro of everytime I die cuz Im playin whats on the tab but it just doesbt sound right...
I have this question about the Warheart sweeps. It's more like how do you play that 2nd part? Which fingers do you use? I play it in this order

Like... I start with the pinky on 14th and end with index on 10th, the problem comes after that. Which fingers do you use after that to finish that lick? (I ask this question cause I loose a lot of time or often mess it up if I go too fast)

I start with my ring finger on the 14,middle on the 12th,index on the 11th,middle on the 12th,index on the 10,ring finger on the 14thand slide to the 15th.That's the way I play it.

Yup, it's a slide.
I have this question about the Warheart sweeps. It's more like how do you play that 2nd part? Which fingers do you use? I play it in this order

Like... I start with the pinky on 14th and end with index on 10th, the problem comes after that. Which fingers do you use after that to finish that lick? (I ask this question cause I loose a lot of time or often mess it up if I go too fast)

Alexi actually slides and seems to use hammer-ons/pull-offs when he plays fast. Otherwise, he just picks them one by one but I don't consider this video being technically accurate compared to the actual song since this video has been made half a decade after Hatebreeder.
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Alexi actually slides and seems to use hammer-ons/pull-offs when he plays fast. Otherwise, he just picks them one by one but I don't consider this video being technically accurate compared to the actual song since this video has been made half a decade after Hatebreeder.

God damn, that was whack :lol: no offense to Alexi. But anyways, the problem with the slide comes down to that I usually use all my 4 fingers and after those sweeps it feels kinda unnatural switching to 3 fingers, maybe I can do it, who knows. Maybe it's possible to slide with my pinky, I really have no clue, that's why I'm asking what's the best way to play it and how do you usually guys play this whole thing. Thanks a lot to everyone!