TAB Thread.

Heres the link. Hopefully someone could fix the rhythm as I suck when it comes to writing tabs (that are not my own anyways) so I don't want too much hate about it :S

I could barely transcribe by ear but this was through trial and error with the help of one of the covers on youtube (les paul guy). Enjoy!

Thanks man! Much appreciated! :D I'll get the rhythm by listening to the solo over and over.
I know this is a bit early but does anyone know of (Or have) any tabs (Guitar Pro would be lovely) of Ugly? Any portions of it even? Or maybe a full tab of Was it Worth it? (Not just the intro file I've been seeing for guitar pro.)

i'm tabbing this song right now, i'll send what i've done so far
thanks for correcting the solo since i'm not too good with the tremolo bar, and i'll fix the tab and set the tempo @ 180 as warheart mentioned, i will upload it as soon as i finish it
I don't know if it's just my ears (my first time trying to learn by ear) but I think the chorus in that guitar pro is totally off... I hear something like instead

10 10 10 10 10 10 9/ 5 5 5 5/7 8 8 8 8 8 8/10 12 12 12/11 11/10 10/9

8, etc... (I can't get it to format this shit correctly ...)

am I wrong? because I was already making my cover for the song. here's how the chorus section sounds in it (it prob has one or two extra slides in it for zest)
What you hear is the C# from the left rythm guitar (I guess you mean the 8th fret?) It's because the first note in the chorus is a D# in both guitars whereas in bar 40 the first note is an D# on the right and C# on the left guitar
Awesome! Thanks everybody for contributing, and thank you Arcane for the very very compplete and accurate tab. I think I liked yours the best, and now that its in the new tempo I will have to D/L that one when I get home.

Man I new this song would be fun to play when I first heard it, but had no idea exactly how much fun. I think I spent like 3 hours yesterday just playing this one song. really fun stuff going on with it.....and I haven't even looked at the solo to learn it yet.

Once again....thanks everyone who made this tab happen.