TAB Thread.

Have you listened to that samples of each song (somebody posted a link with quality in the RRF thread)? Except WIWI and COTN all songs sounds great to me. Could be their best album (at least for me).
This song is shit!! I listened to it yesterday and I just don't see how anything off this album is going to impress me at all. I'll just take arcanes word for it regarding tabs lol

Have you moved on from COB and Sinergy? I mean, if you put Kimberly's vocals over nihilist (scary thought) it'd be a Sinergy song through and through.
Ah...Kimberly's vocals.....someone put her out of my misery.

Yea, I'm not a Sinergy guru by any means but the new song sonds nothing like Sinergy. I wish they would release all the Sinergy albums either without her vocals removed or with say Alexi doing all the vocals...that way i could actually stand it.
Don't compare this crap with Sinergy, please. :lol: COB and Sinergy are my all time favourite bands and always will be but I can't deny this album so far has made me facepalm everytime I listen to a new song.
How the fuck can't everybody see that the melodic part (first solo) of Cry Of The Nihilist is just like Sinergy stuff! The main riffs and such don't resemble at all put that part and some of the riffs before that part could be on any of the two latest Singery albums.
And so far the only song that is worse than some of the stuff on AYDY and BD is WIWI? so why all the negativity? Anybody remember In Your Face? That song is just like WIWI in many ways!
I can't find anything in that thread because it's 180 pages of random bullshit!! I'm still looking...

edit: I found them, downloading now.

Hmm they're ok. Tone and quality is amazing but I'm gonna need to give this album as a whole alot of listens.
Yes, the first and second are just the 2 original dvd's from years ago, the third is from there:
(At the end, he plays also 4 improvised solo on Blooddrunk backing track! :D)

There is just Blooddrunk song and some theory exercices.

The fourth DVD includes:
-Interview with Alexi (~20:00)
-Behind the Scenes (Already available on youtube(~9:00)
-Bonus Lessons (Short lessons from the DVD 1 & 2 and others players)
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