TAB Thread.

Hello there !

It's been a fucking while !
Glad to see this topic now approaches the million views =)
Thanks again Warheart & Arcane (and all others that participated !) for keeping this tab archive alive.

I must say I learned a lot from these tabs years ago as I discovered electric guitar by myself.
I've got away from Bodom a bit to more violent grounds but I still enjoy them and bought albums.

So I'll repeat I'm really happy to get the new tabs and try them out !
I got a bit away from guitar lately (considering the intense years that were before) and this last Bodom album motivated into getting the new tabs from this forum.

Thanks a lot for your work & keep rocking =)

PS: I see you seem to have troubles for hosting your files... did you ever thought of DropBox (or any similar program) ? This is really easy to manage public/private files publishing around the web, and I guess there won't be such problems ;)
Currently i can only Upload it on Screens, hopefully it helps ;)

U got the Original DVD or just saw the Video?
Currently i can only Upload it on Screens, hopefully it helps ;)

U got the Original DVD or just saw the Video?

Thank you ! :) I just watched youtube video. Honestly I would pay for lick library dvd's. Rockhouse just want's to make some money, you can't realy learn shit from thoose dvd's. But sometimes they have some cool shit on 'em.
Yes I agree, but we could correct these tabs with what we can see from Alexi's playing of the DVD.. ? It is not big correction, often, it's just two or three notes to add or change on "our" tab.
My fault. I forgot to tell you that 70% of what Alexi is playing on his instructional DVD's is different from the album versions. Uhm... to be honest... I can hardly remember ANY instrcutional video where he plays something 1:1 as it is on the album.

But I don't have his new DVD... so maybe he's going to be a better teacher then he was before...
No problem, I remember I read that somewhere but... in some cases, I don't know how he could play a lick different of the album versions. There aren't so much possibilities to play something who really looks like to the album versions...

I can send you one or another .mp4 and the booklet tab to check, if you aren't going to buy the DVD.
i suppose no one has the new rochhouse alexi lahio - in your face instructional dvd on a download link somewhere???

im looking for it but nowhere to be found.

directlink or torrent will do
I have the DVD, but i dont think thats an good idea to ask here for some illegal links. I mean where an Official COB Fan-Forum and we should support the Band -.-
Haha yeah but I don't know if they earn so much money of this... surely something, but it is also for advertising I think. And to be active on the forum, is support the band!

*Waiting for your adress mail <Arcane> then.
Hey guys,

i'm new here. First of all thanks to all those who created the tabs!!!

I seem to be having trouble downloading the tabs. When i click on it i just get a page with codes. Is it possible to get the tabs for Hate Me and Kissing the Shadows please?

Hey guys,

i'm new here. First of all thanks to all those who created the tabs!!!

I seem to be having trouble downloading the tabs. When i click on it i just get a page with codes. Is it possible to get the tabs for Hate Me and Kissing the Shadows please?


Just right click and 'Save link as...' .