TAB Thread.

That's a nice little list. For the intro to Children of Decadnece, did you have the guitar play the same frets as all the other tabs?

I don't know why but I've always been dissatisfied with the way it's tabbed, maybe because I attempt playing the 17th fret with my pinky instead of the 3rd finger like Alexi probably did.

It's good to see someone else that puts effort into transcribing all the instruments instead of just the guitar. :kickass:
Yeah, that's how I tabbed it too.

I don't know, I play it with my 3rd finger and I feel it's the most comfortable way to play it. :P
Maybe I should play it with my 3rd finger too then. I don't even know if I'll bother learning it since when you listen to something a thousand times when you're learning it and practising it, it gets kinda boring when you listen to it for enjoyment purposes and that's one of my favourite songs so I don't really want to ruin it. But it's nice to know he plays that intro though.
Cool solo. I looked at the first bar and thought it was going to sound horrible but it sounded great!! Like a major pentatonic type thing. The entire solo reminded me of something Roope might play. Good job.

inhe, I know what you mean.

The bends sound good over C# but then when the backing track plays A and B, it sounds out. I never even noticed it until I read your post actually, I really like that first bar.
<-Warheart-> said:
Cool solo. I looked at the first bar and thought it was going to sound horrible but it sounded great!! Like a major pentatonic type thing. The entire solo reminded me of something Roope might play. Good job.
Well, thanks. For me, just hate the last 3 bars, i think it dont fit with the rest of the song:p
<-Warheart-> said:
inhe, I know what you mean.

The bends sound good over C# but then when the backing track plays A and B, it sounds out. I never even noticed it until I read your post actually, I really like that first bar.

Yeah, i liked the actual lick, but as i said, it sounded wrong.
_DJ_british_motard_ said:
Well, thanks. For me, just hate the last 3 bars, i think it dont fit with the rest of the song:p

It does actually look like you tabbed in C# major, I think.

But yeah, reminds me of a Roope solo. :kickass:

Check this out, a live recording of THE NAIL sweep picking section.

Listen to the end where he's supposed to do the big 5 string sweep then the V -> I progression, in this live clip, Alexi extends that part and sweeps for a bit longer, also adding in some sick tapping. Sounds really really cool.

Children of Bodom - The Nail (Sweep Picking section - Live At Nummirock Festival - 1998)
Why is everyone bragging on how long it took to write down the solo? A solo isn't greater because it took you less time. If it sounds good it sounds good, nothing more.
inhe said:
Why is everyone bragging on how long it took to write down the solo? A solo isn't greater because it took you less time. If it sounds good it sounds good, nothing more.

Well I wasn't bragging or anything, just saying that it took me like 20 minutes or so. Sorry if it seemed like it. :cool:
hi guys i jsut finished a solo over the backing track and i would like to post it on the forum can you explain me how plz
Epi said:
Here's my version of the solo:


Took me about 15-20 minutes.

wow, yours sounds very Bodom-like. especially the first measure, reminds me of a part from Follow the reaper. good job :rock:

<-Warheart-> said:
I noticed you used alot of chromatic notes in there and some non diatonic arpeggios. Was that intentional?

And if you don't answer, cya!

by that do you mean that i didn't stay in key? lol yeah, it gives off a kinda dissonance type of sound, but it doesn't sound completely bad does it? and i don't know what diatonic arpeggios are yet, but i was trying to use some sort of arpeggios....sorry, i'm really bad at this music theory stuff...i don't know too much about it yet :erk: