TAB Thread.

hey guys, i also love that idea of combining all our solos together. and mitch, i think i could just revise my solo a bit to make it stay in key, so changing it to Amin is not necessary. btw, i loved all your solos; solo #2 is probably the most memorable, but technically, i like the 3rd one the best.

oh and i noticed that most of the solos you guys are making all start out with a bend on the first note....coincidence?
Okay that's cool. If you need any help with keys/scales etc, I can help. :)

I noticed everyone's starting with a bend too, that's why on solo 2,3,4 I didn't. I love to be different. ;)
Mystique1721 said:
yeah i could try to write another one, but honestly, i kinda like the one i already wrote. here it is again, but with the right notes this time. hehe.

let me know what you think...and be brutally honest.

Yay, that's much better. Well done. :)

Epi said:
Morning fellas!

I tabbed the "Hate Crew Deathroll" ages ago and noticed the other day that it was pretty f*cked up.
So, I made a few changes (actually a lot of changes) and now it should be pretty much correct.

Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll


Amazing work again dude, top notch. :D

I did change one thing though, bar 16. Instead of being a D# with a min3rd harmony, I changed it to a D with a min3rd harmony (D and F), I *think* this is how they play it. b=But well done for tabbing the entire thing. I've been wanting to do the chorus melody for a while but it's quite low in the mix. Thanks!
<-Warheart-> said:
Amazing work again dude, top notch. :D

I did change one thing though, bar 16. Instead of being a D# with a min3rd harmony, I changed it to a D with a min3rd harmony (D and F), I *think* this is how they play it. b=But well done for tabbing the entire thing. I've been wanting to do the chorus melody for a while but it's quite low in the mix. Thanks!

Thanks alot dude! :D

Yeah, there are few flaws. I actually didn't listen to the intro part that carefully
and I think you're right, it sounds much better with those chords. :)
Mystique1721 said:
yeah i could try to write another one, but honestly, i kinda like the one i already wrote. here it is again, but with the right notes this time. hehe.

let me know what you think...and be brutally honest.

Sounds alot nicer now! If i were you i would change the two first notes in bar 2 to D instead of C# though, but that's just me.
Just a little tip guys.

I've been rambling on about how you should try and make a melody fit over the chords instead of just mindless shredding, a good way to check this is to hit the "x 0.50 button in the top right hand corner. This will slow the thing down to 50% of it's original speed. You can also choose x 0.25 which is 25% and you can really hear how your melody interacts with the chords. I do this alot with my own solos and with all yours too to see if I can find some really sweet note choices.

If you listen to Warhearts solo 2 and put it on x 0.25, listen to the first 2 bars and notice how well that D# works over the B major chord. In the first bar, you have that D# over a C# and it creates tension, and then in the next bar, the chord moves to an A but the melody stays the same for a while but it sounds different because you're implying a different chord and then when that B comes in, the D# sounds great.

Also, bar 8 and 9 of Warhearts solo 3. I try and do this as much as possible so there's no stale sounding notes. Like playing a D# over an E, for example. This applies to a slow melody or a fast run, it's alway nice to be able to notice things like that.

Of course, you don't have to but I'm just pointing out that you could be thinking about all this while you're writing solos instead of just thinking of licks to stick in like I did in solo 1.

EDIT: There's now a link in the first post to 43 Children of Bodom backing tracks.
<-Warheart-> said:
I haven't slept either. I'm a workaholic, my work being sitting here playing guitar and tabbing stuff. :lol: /loser

I agree with inhe about the keyboard thing, there's 2 different things going on at once and it makes it hard to focus on just one.

Wow...hmm. I know the first measure of the dual lead I was kinda iffy on...but, I thought bars 2 and 3 sounded good.
It's not up to me though, I just found it a bit weird hearing 2 things at once.

I'm going to start tabbing Alexi's solo for it now, I can't be bothered to wait any longer.
<-Warheart-> said:
It's not up to me though, I just found it a bit weird hearing 2 things at once.

Yeah...I probably can't pull it off as well, but if you check out any of Nobuo Uematsu's work, he has quite a few pieces with dual leads that play at different speeds at the same time.

Edit: Can't believe I spelled his name wrong.
lol strange name, never heard of the guy. It's definitely a cool idea though, it'd be a good little technique to perfect.
The guy who writes the music for the Final Fantasy games, he's an awesome composer.