TAB Thread.

there is an error(actually lots of em) in passage to the reaper demonstration #2
i bar 22 it says


i was watching the vid since it did not sound correct and u can clearly see him do


it sucks so hard there aint a good tab on that one :\
Dude, there are so many wrong tabs on first page and you care about a wrong section in Pttr? :lol:

Anyways, did you notice that Bodom didn't use any additional guitars since RRF? I think thats pretty cool because it's easier to play now without missing any guitar parts for Youtube covers (when you just want to record 2 tracks). On HB, FTR and HCDR they often use 2 different rythm guitars + 1 or 2 different lead guitars at the same time (for example BBT) but I don't think that there's any new song with more thatn 2 guitars at the same time
Anyways, did you notice that Bodom didn't use any additional guitars since RRF? I think thats pretty cool because it's easier to play now without missing any guitar parts for Youtube covers (when you just want to record 2 tracks). On HB, FTR and HCDR they often use 2 different rythm guitars + 1 or 2 different lead guitars at the same time (for example BBT) but I don't think that there's any new song with more thatn 2 guitars at the same time

I actually did notice that! Not complaining or anything though, doesn't really take much away or add anything to the songs for me to be honest.

Why do you think they started doing that though?
Mmh, propably somebody said "why should we record 3 or more guitars when we just have two guitarists?" Or maybe because there's no need of an additional guitar in the new songs because of a different song structure... I don't know.
They even pan solos now to one side.
Well I think it greatly sucks that they have decreased the amount of guitar tracks and the overall amount of tracks in their music. It reduces the amount of harmony in music and makes it less interesting. Two of many things that make most of older Bodom song's better than new ones.
I'm kind of glad they decreased the amount of guitar tracks....I mean why have layer upon layer? With so many layers it really makes playing a song live difficult. Plus they have a keyboardist which kind of acts like a 3rd guitar anyways for harmonies and some leads.

And old being better than new is just an opinion. A lot of the new material is fantastic(my opinion)'s just different from the old. I am willing to bet they will never release anything that is like the old stuff they did.
My point was that new material would be alot better with ''older style'' of recording multiple guitars, layers and such. New compositions aren't always worse than old ones but they have got lazy with harmonies and all those little things and details that make the song stand out, make it interesting and memorable.
And for the thing that they wont't realease anything that would sound like ''old bodom'' anymore, I bet that too. Im sure they would not be able to dublicate the awesomeness of their first albums, even if they ''changed'' their style back. Im pretty confident Alexi just can't compose that kind of stuff anymore, sad but true.
I think they have just grown out of the shreddy, technique based and guitar adored sections. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy towards dead ends sweeps or kissing the shadows' solos but honestly they're a bunch of guitar wanking.

I would definitely say that the new stuff is more mature, more coherent, even though I like the old stuff a lot. The old stuff has that unique attitude and energy they haven't been able recapture that well ever since AYDY.
New songs are way more technical than older songs. RRF is there most technical album yet followed by HOB. Older stuff is pretty simple but more harmonic. I'm not a big fan of that guitar wanking shit - like the KTS solos or as you said - the complete TDE song. That's not really what I like at old Bodom. On the other side I love Sinergy. Every Sinergy song is guitar wanking at it's best. Even there first album is more technical than RRF.