TAB Thread.

Eh, I suppose. It's not like Paul Gilbert/Alexi Laiho/Steve Vai/Yngwie Malmsteen sat at the computer all day and tabbed songs is it. :erk:

Mitch, I don't think you realize how immensely helpful transcription is to your musical abilities. Sure it might not improve technique, but your knowledge of theory and "inner ear" are improved with each and every note you tab.:kickass:
Mitch, I don't think you realize how immensely helpful transcription is to your musical abilities. Sure it might not improve technique, but your knowledge of theory and "inner ear" are improved with each and every note you tab.:kickass:

exactly. some people, like Mitch, are lucky to have that musical ear where it's easier for them to tab out songs. when i try to tab out stuff, it takes me forever. my mind fucks with me sometimes and i can't tell if the next note is higher or lower (i know that sounds strange, but really, it happens). people who can tab out songs with their ear are very talented.

ey mystique, play a song for us some time, i wanna see how good u are :)

i'm not very good :erk: i started playing in june of this past summer so i still have a ways to go before i can sound good. and i have a video on youtube playing bed of razors, but looking back on it, i should'nt have even attempted that speed, i need lots more practicing :erk:
Yesterday I borrowed this Zoom 505 II (pretty crappy effects pedal) from a friend of mine. Just wanted to try out some stuff with wah. :D

So, this morning I decided to have a try at the 'Hellion' solo too. I used that Zoom pedal in this solo so the tone isn't really good. :erk:

Hellion solo

Oh, and I don't know why the sound is so noisy. I think it might be my mic.
The solo was pretty low in volume. :erk:

But yeah, I've heard bad things about the Zoom pedals but you seemed to make it sound good. Good one. :D
I have a question to anyone that can answer it, but it's directed to Epi or warheart, since they seem to get a good tone while recording.

I'm trying to get a good tone while recording, but i sound somewhat sucky. I'm plugging it into my amp and from the line to my soundcard, i'm also using a Boss metal zone pedal, which sounds really good when i just use it with my amp, but plugged into the soundcard i just don't get a good tone.

I've tried using the inbuilt modifiers in Cubase, like overdrive, but it only makes the sound fuzzy and worse than before.

So i tried it with guitar rig 2, but i only get a really bad buzz and a long delay.

I'm using a Tascam US 122L soundcard.
I have a question to anyone that can answer it, but it's directed to Epi or warheart, since they seem to get a good tone while recording.

I'm trying to get a good tone while recording, but i sound somewhat sucky. I'm plugging it into my amp and from the line to my soundcard, i'm also using a Boss metal zone pedal, which sounds really good when i just use it with my amp, but plugged into the soundcard i just don't get a good tone.

I've tried using the inbuilt modifiers in Cubase, like overdrive, but it only makes the sound fuzzy and worse than before.

So i tried it with guitar rig 2, but i only get a really bad buzz and a long delay.

I'm using a Tascam US 122L soundcard.

Well I've heard the Metal Zone is a piece of shit but if it's the only pedal you have, then it'll have to do since you need some kind of overdrive in the chain.

If you say it sounds good through your amp though, why don't you try putting the wire from your amp into your computer but still having the pedal plugged in too.

Gtr -> Pedal -> Amp -> Computer

Obviously, you'll need an extra lead but I'm sure it's not too much trouble to obtain one from somewhere.

I use a Korg PX4 and that's the sound you're hearing on my Sinergy solo and Paul Gilbert cover and I've always used that with the exception of that Line 6 Spider II thing so I don't actually know how a pedal sounds in this situation. I do have a BOSS DS-1 upstairs but I've never tried using it for recording but it might just be your pedal. Your amp is making it sound better but when it's going straight into the pc, it's the natural sound that it creates so yeah, try the chain that I wrote out.