Tad Morose....finally!!


Jun 18, 2003
Cuba, NY
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I am incredibly grateful to Glenn for FINALLY bringing Tad Morose to these shores this year. They have been one of my favorite bands for nearly 8 years, and yet it seems no one knows of them....yet. I predict that they will blow everyone at this year's PP away with their amazing blend of melody and sheer powerful riffs! Thanks once again, Glenn! You have made the price of my gold badge worth it with this bands' inclusion alone!!

Awesome band. They've been one of my favorite metal bands for...well, all of two weeks now, but they are a cool band and I can't wait to see them live.
I agree. I've been listening to them since "Sender of Thoughts" and they, along with Kamelot will be the two bands I'll want to see most. I've been a Kahn fan since In Your Multitude (w/ Conception) and love all the work he's done with Conception and Kamelot. The whole lineup rules, but my personal favorites are Tad Morose and Kamelot.
Yeah, exactly.... sorta blindside the unsuspecting masses with an onslaught of pure melodic power metal !! Urban Breed is an amazing vocalist, and their guitar melodies are instantly imbedded in your brain. I think they will walk away with many new (and amazed) fans from this PP. They have certainly waited long enough for their due...

Oh yeah, and in case you're wondering, the new one of theirs, Modus Vivendi, is brilliant in every regard. If you don't own it yet, don't feel apprehensive about buying it - it's one of their best!
Here's some interesting news I just saw on the BW&BK site on Tad Morose and ProgPower V specifically:

TAD MOROSE singer Urban Breed has provided the following update, "The video for 'Anubis' is almost finished. It won't be long now, as all that is needed is for me to paint another few textures and we're practically there. We're also working on a medley for our September Atlanta ProgPower V appearance. This because we have so much we want to play and so little time. It will be an all out Andrén-era medley to satisfy the needs of our long time fans."

Should be pretty cool...
I gotta tell you, the new album Modus Vivendi is incredible.. did everyone get the version with the 3 covers songs on it? I know sometimes the releases we come across here are very different..

like the last Hammerfall cd.. one version has a Malmsteen cover, one had a Kiss cover.
Creeps said:
I gotta tell you, the new album Modus Vivendi is incredible.. did everyone get the version with the 3 covers songs on it? I know sometimes the releases we come across here are very different...

I finally got my order placed for Modus Vivendi (+3 bonus tracks) this evening from The End Records. So I should have it Saturday or Monday. I had already received Matters of the Dark and can't seem to remove it from my cd player! That album rocks! I can't wait to hear more of their material. And I certainly can't wait to see them live for the first time in the U.S. I will feel so priveledged. :worship:

Thanks, Glenn!

btw, Creeps, which 3 bonus tracks are included? :grin:

Yeah I am just getting into this band, but they have in a very short time turned into THE band I want to see at PPV. I don't have the version of MV with the covers, but I would love to hear the Accept cover. I suppose that one is "Losing More than You've Ever Had" from BttW. I'm an Accept fanatic so it would be super cool to hear one of my new fave bands playing a song from my fave oldschool band.

"Losing More Than You've Ever Had" is probably my favorite Accept song. So it is hella cool that Tad Morose is doing a cover. The ABBA song should be killer too!
My only dilemma now is that The End Records was out AGAIN of the Modus Vivendi cd when I placed my order. DAMMIT!!! I'll have to wait a bit longer.

As far as posting on the TM boards... been there, done that. Thanks! We're just chatting about them here as well, and the fact that they are fast becoming THE band we want to see at PPUSAV.


Creeps said:
A Uriah Heep song, can't recall the name
that would be "Rainbow Demon".

speaking of, Hansi Kursch must have a thing for paying homage to classic albums... naming his side project Demons & Wizards and his last album _A Night at the Opera_...

and then, not an album, but there's the song title "Harvest of Sorrow"

Need some help TM fans.
Last year our webzine did a quiz on PP4 to help everyone learn the band members. It was a lot of fun and a big hit. Trying to do the same this year, but the ONLY band we don't have pictures for yet is Tad Morose. Saw some great promo shots but there is no way to identify which band member is which. Can someone who knows the band send me a photo identifying everyone? Greatly appreciate it!
I really didn't know much about Tad Morose until they were announced on the roster of PP5. I had heard about them years before. I had heard from quite a few people that they were a great melodic, power metal band from Sweden but unfortunately was never able to get my hands on any of their albums. Due to better distribution and imports as well a better metal climate in general I finally was able to locate " Modus Vivendi" and am flabbergasted at how AWESOME they are. They sound a bit like Brainstorm as well but I definitely think they will be a great band live and also agree that many people will leave PP5 with Tad Morose firmly embedded in their heads. I also, by luck or by chance, have been given the incredible honor of partially sponsoring Tad Morose for ProgPower 5. I have to admit that a good part of the reason is that I firmly believe that as stated above, they will be a great assett, but also it seems that everyone so far that has heard them is blown away. Look like it's going to be a great year!!!
