Tad Morose Fucking Rules!!


Nov 4, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Man, I've been a fan since I was 10... and I'm now 13. Tad Morose, if you guys are here, you're my idols of all time. I inspire to be like you, awesome music guys. I want to see you live SOO bad...maybe if you come around me over here in the US. Although, in 2005 I'm gonna try to go to the Atlanta fesitval thing with Matt's uncle and him, you've met his uncle. Anyway just saying your music has deeply touched and inspired me. I've fallen inlove with every album you guys have, I just can't get enough. There is good music, great music, amazing music, and then there is Tad Morose. KEEP ROCKING!!! LONG LIVE METAL!
Yes Yes! Tad Morose Does Fuckimg Rule!!! I remember When I heard "Way of History" for the first time whan I was ... 14 or 15 hahahah 11 years ago Excellent band and a total Pleasure to Meet and Watch!
MetalRose said:
I first heard TM a couple of months back, all I have to say is that I've been missing out on a lot of good years of music!

Couldn't have said it better myself. :-)
I first heard Tad Morose a year after Undead came out... I was sent an e-mail containing a link to a site. The e-mail instructed me to "Download Where the Sun Never Shines". AND SO I DID!

And my mind was completely blown out of my head and into the stratosphere... Sooooo cool! So I did the only thing a respectable metal-head could do... I called up the local music store and found out I had to order a copy. So I DIIIIID!

And the rest is history.