Take it or leave it- the new CD etc....


Spiritual Healer
Dec 11, 2001
Greetings from the Rebel County,

I haven't posted here for quite a while, well, cos I got less interested Anathema's output (CavAnathema perhaps ;)) and the amount of off topic bull that gets posted here (no offence like...) but anyway, I got the new CD in the post last week, and thought I'd make a few comments if that's still allowed on this board.

I'm not going to go down the 'anathema sounds like radiohead rather than metal' type of thing - i'm sure that has been said (probably true of my other points will too...) but as somebody that remembers Anathema playing here in Cork many moons ago, and having seen them lots of times since, I can safely say that the band has improved no-end from the start right up to the present, or well, until a few years ago anyway. Personally, I happen to prefer the pentecost-judgement era, like many others.

One of the things i always loved about the cd's was there was always a killer, memorable opening song (read Angelica, Restless Obliv., Deep, ... and Release should've been the first on AFDTE in my, humble, estimation as they say...). That mighty opener is absent this time around. Harmonium is ok, but just that, not entirely memorable i'm afraid. Balance improves the score somewhat, and 'Closer' for me, is the best on the cd - i love the 'babylon zoo' vocal effect, the killer punch is at 3.27 with that typical-anathema twist... then i just wish the drums would get going when the noise starts to come in with a proper beat rather than kicking along... it's a pity IMO that it dies there, maybe that was the intent, but the metaller in me wanted more :). 'Are you there', hmm, it's ok, too floyd for me, but an ok song. Pulled under is average. Not the monster (read 'panic') i was hoping for...the title track is too, hmm, 'sam brown' for my liking, great voice though, i remember thinking that in Dublin on the last tour too. Rest of the cd is dull in my mind, mind you, i often found the ends of older cd's waning too (judgement, and esp. AFDTE), except maybe Eternity (come back Dunc... i know yer watching, Roy keane says hello).

So. I get the feeling that their classic songs are gone, the 'they aint as good as they were' feeling. The true classic songs were often in the middle of the cd in the past though. Far away, One last Goodbye (the best), inner silence, silent enigma, panic et al...I just feel that the new songs, in general, are weaker relative to the middle era of the band. The new songs simply aren't that good i feel. We could all see it coming with the last CD.

Yes I like metal. Yes I am one of the older fans (28). I however, am not the guy screaming for 'sleepless' at the shows (though i'd love to hear it above much of the new stuff.) I'd sooner scream for Eternity III or Release, or one last goodbye maybe. Sometimes i wish that there was a little more energy in the newer material, and less pissy & moaney stuff... after all, that's why radiohead exist - isn't it? A little musical smile wouldn't go astray rather than continual melancholy. I'm afraid i loose my patience with this new cd easily, it gets annoying- that's a first.

I dont doubt that the band long to play to non-metal crowds who dont appreciate much of their recent work. Well it should be appreciated, -its good stuff- just not up to the high standards before it, that's all....I'll still be there in Dublin next time around i hope, but after that, well, that, might be it... i can always hope that the next cd may prove more worthwhile.

no doubt i'll get lambasted... such is life....
everyone's entitled to an opinion so fair enough. as you said, you can take it or leave it. I prefer to take it.. :)
let's limit people that can do reviews. let only people that bought the cd do it. there will be only a few people posting reviews then it'll be great. punchline : fuck off.
webzines should be forbidden too. a few ignorant teenagers writing reviews about albums they downloaded? heh.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
webzines should be forbidden too. a few ignorant teenagers writing reviews about albums they downloaded? heh.
hey are you crazy or what? how will the kids get free promo cd's they'll sell a while after, be on guestlists showing off their massive backstage passes and be able to interview their rockstars now? You wanna kill the industry of music or what?!o_O