New album

I know that Anathema have bever released a bad record.... I don't care how it'll sound (fast, slow, doom, pop). I know it'll be good....
Originally posted by Don Corleone
i remember danny saying here that it's gonna be the heaviest one since the silent enigma.

rest assured, mates. no need to worry. im sure theyll release another masterpiece to keep us sleepless...

did he! :confused: I can't remember that! But I don't want a metalalbum... at least not from Anathema... (and I'm becoming soft :rolleyes: because I'm buying more and more nonmetal :o Fuck! Am I gettin old? :eek: )
Originally posted by the_good_son141
in the bradford gig,there were some attendants who thought vincent was acting like a gay.about taking someone private and that...thats my report to transfer.i'm shocked!

:eek: he didnt have a leather cap and a muzzy did he???
what do you mean by acting gay? buming people?
Originally posted by Mariner
did he! :confused: I can't remember that! But I don't want a metalalbum... at least not from Anathema... (and I'm becoming soft :rolleyes: because I'm buying more and more nonmetal :o Fuck! Am I gettin old? :eek: )

I agree with Mariner. I also have been buying a lot of melancholic and mellow nonmetal-albums lately so I wouldn't mind if the new record isn't heavier. Then again, I don't mind if it is, so there :rolleyes:

And I ain't gettin old, damn it. Just that I somehow 'click' more easier to soft and sad music than to more heavier stuff. Atleast that's what has happened lately.
i hope it's a bit heavier / less sombre than a fine day. Panic was a great song, pity it didnt get played much - i assume because the band appear to prefer to be seen as radiohead-ish than kreator-ish... ah.... níl fhois agam....i just hope the melancholy takes a back seat on this one, and the RAWK is driving the bus....
Originally posted by Strangelight
:eek: he didnt have a leather cap and a muzzy did he???
what do you mean by acting gay? buming people?

hey,leather caps are MAN:mad::grin: i reckon he didnt wear his formal outfit,but made some strange moves around,its hard to make an all greek english translation.
i received an sms after the gig saying that,someone that had never seen anathema before and had no reason to say bulshit wrote it as one of the highlights!:o he liked the gig too.

i think it involved naughty things with a hairy partner:eek:

perhaps he was wrong.who knows!
Originally posted by Strangelight
two blokes kissing and cuddling?:eek:
do you think I'm stupid?

:lol: :lol: just imagine the scene...scaryyy
it's pretty doubtful,ha?after all vinny looks like a bon viver of metal,he could never use the back door for a bradfordian's tastes...right?:o