Take some time to relisten to Mercy Falls

The Long Way Home

New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2011
Abingdon, MD
Hey everyone, I am new to UM and to the SW forum. I wanted to say that it seems like this is a tight knit group that engages in invigorating conversation and avoids the typical drama (the latter seems rare these days). I'm from Maryland, USA but have lived over several parts of the US and for a short time in Europe via the military.

As for SW, an online friend sent me a track in 2006 and I really liked it (Star of David). At the time I was checking out a lot of bands from various genres and once my computer got stolen I forgot all about them until late 2009. I remembered the song name (Star of David) and typed it into a search engine. I read some reviews and decided to take a chance and buy the cd Waiting in the Wings digitally from Itunes. I was shocked to see it on itunes, despite the incredible reviews due to the fact the progressive metal bands can sometimes be hard to find on those kinds of sites. I was hooked halfway through the first listen! So, then I found out about Mercy Falls and after hearing that, I was really blown away.

With the release of The Great Escape, I kind of lost interest in Mercy Falls, due to the exceptionally smooth production of TGE, improved clarity and tone in the vocal work, and because the songs could be enjoyed "individually". Well, obviously I still considered MF a great album and after a while of not listening to it, like any good album you shelf for a while, you eventually re listen to it again.

I must say, I have a new exciting in listening to MF this time around. Maybe part of it is discovering "new" parts of the story line (essentially, figuring out answers/possibilities to questions I previously had through rehearing the lyrics). I also think its the idea that MF is an exceptional album, and that listening to individual songs kind of takes away from the experience. I think by taking the time to listen all the way through a few times again, I thought of MF as ONE HUGE SONG. To listen to parts of MF is kind of like watching a single scene from the movie inception, it might be cool, but you're missing out on a lot!

The last MF "story description" thread appears to be from 2008. I was hoping to start a new thread and now that the story has had some time to sink in, the storyline could be discussed in detail again.

One thought I had is that in "A Day Away", the lyrics deal with his possible childhood in "Mercy Falls" and not in his real life childhood. Perhaps it was influenced by his actual childhood since it seems obvious that atleast some of what his "preceived" son was saying made it through to patient. Its ofcourse possible that his sons words sparked memories of his real childhood, and was the first real breakthrough of him regaining his real life memory. However, if that was the case, wouldn't he then realize "Mercy Falls" was essentially himself trapped in a dream like state? Then again, hes been in this coma for about 7 years, so at that point perhaps the dream world was his actual reality (kind of like Inception).

What are your thoughts?
Welcome, The Long Way Home :wave:! Good to have you on board on this forum.

I'm sure most of us/all of us here already relisten to 'Mercy Falls' a lot (MF: :worship:)!

I must say, I have a new exciting in listening to MF this time around. Maybe part of it is discovering "new" parts of the story line (essentially, figuring out answers/possibilities to questions I previously had through rehearing the lyrics). I also think its the idea that MF is an exceptional album, and that listening to individual songs kind of takes away from the experience. I think by taking the time to listen all the way through a few times again, I thought of MF as ONE HUGE SONG. To listen to parts of MF is kind of like watching a single scene from the movie inception, it might be cool, but you're missing out on a lot!

It's great that you're still discovering new things!
I agree with the fact that MF is an exeptional album (it's the best album ever made - I still need a little bit more time to see where TGE will end :) ).
I don't agree on the 'listen to seperate songs'-part though. The story is quit clear in my mind so I dont need to listen to the whole album 'to get into it'. I do that a lot of course, but listening to seperate songs is no problem at all :headbang: (for example, in the car during short rides).

...One thought I had is that in "A Day Away", the lyrics deal with his possible childhood in "Mercy Falls" and not in his real life childhood...

I'm not gonna get into the whole story but that indeed is true. Take a look into the booklet and watch at the songtitles. The songtitles written in capital letters (also with a little title written underneath it) are the 'dream'-songs.
The normal written songtitles are reality.

('Break The SILENCE' is written like this though :D)
I think I do, Mr. Watson.

'Break The SILENCE' is a song where reality and dream are combined (they are happening at the same moment or - more likely - immediately after each other).
The reality-part ('Break The..') is the first part of the song, i.e. the bold text in the booklet from "I think about love" up to "You must believe I tried": this is the moment the wife is sitting next to the hospitalbed of our main character where she tells him she betrayed him with another man. With that man she felt she was loved, something she was missing from our comapatient.

The dream-part (...'SILENCE') starts with "Is everyone here?..", which is the continuation of the story in his dream.
During/after the storm our main character and the old lady meet, team-up and are getting to know each other: they then both feel/realise there's a connection between them.

:erk: Please be gentle...
I don't agree on the 'listen to seperate songs'-part though. The story is quit clear in my mind so I dont need to listen to the whole album 'to get into it'.

I can definately respect that. I used to be able to listen to songs from Scenes individually, but in more recent years, I find myself listening to the album as a whole. Don't get me wrong, I still listen to songs from MF individually sometimes ESPECIALLY Welcome to Mercy Falls and Fall in Line. with Scenes its usually strange Deja Vu and Beyond This Life.

The reality-part ('Break The..') is the first part of the song, i.e. the bold text in the booklet from "I think about love" up to "You must believe I tried": this is the moment the wife is sitting next to the hospitalbed of our main character where she tells him she betrayed him with another man. With that man she felt she was loved, something she was missing from our comapatient.

Don't worry I will honor your request of not getting to deep into the story. Its an easy one to become analytical about. However, I think the one part I'm a little confused about is that the wiki entry seems to indicate that she's still actively commiting adultry even as she's by his side. Maybe I'm missing something but I had thought she stopped her "unfaithful" ways? If she is still, wow, that kind of changes my opinion of her.

Thanks for welcoming me Dutchman :)

Andreas, the album is excellent. I mean that as a compliment that I much prefer listening to it as a whole and thinking of it as parts of one big song :)
I never knew the tracks were written that way in the booklet since unfortunately I have it MF from iTunes and have hever gotten the physical CD... I knew Break The Silence was structured that way though obviously so that's really cool that they've even got that.

Mercy Falls is one of the greatest albums I've listened to, and it is great to listen to it as a whole. I have no problems listening to individual songs though - as Kazar said once you know the story you know pretty much exactly what each part is. And even before then you can still just enjoy the songs alone as they are great individually as well (one of the things that makes Mercy Falls such a great album). I frequently listen to Welcome To Mercy Falls / Unbreakable, or Break The Silence / Hide And Seek - four of my favourite SW songs.

I'd alway knew A Day Away was part of the dream, wasn't sure how connected it was to the overall story though, thought it might just be fragmented memories / imaginations of childhood brought on by his son's words. It's an incredible song anyway, especially for one so short.
Thanks, Mr. Bassman :)!

...Don't worry I will honor your request of not getting to deep into the story. Its an easy one to become analytical about....

I think you may have misunderstood me, The Long Way Home: that's not what I intended to request/tell you.
The 'MF-story thread' indeed starts in 2008 but the last post is from January this year - fortunately the thread isn't totally dead.
(Many) parts of the album still raise questions among us so it's very cool to revive the thread.
In fact, please do. Just 'bump' it with your thoughts/ideas and get the discussion started again:

Kazar, I did misunderstand you and thanks for clearing that up man.

Ruro, that is the disadvantage of downloading from itunes. Its more cost effective and saves time, but you miss out of the booklets.

Andreas, interestingly enough, my room mate absolutely adores WITW, and did so from the first listen. It took her a while to warm up to TGE but she's finally starting to really like the tracks Alley Cat and Move on Through. She told me the reason it was so easy to get into WITW is because of the way the album flows and how the songs connect really well but there's a certain individually to them (I can't think of how else to explain it). Anyways I noticed in a thread you commented about WITW devotees. Personally, while I think TGE was a stronger album, I think the guitar work was more raw and straight forward on WITW so i think that might be part of the reasoning as well.

Anyways, I'll go ahead and check out that thread Kazar :) Its good to find some tight knit fans on the SW forums as not a lot of people in MD are into prog/melodic metal. The other band UM has that I really like is Daylight Dies, so hopefully I'll be able to connect with some of the fans there too.